Does bacteria have a nucleus?
Are viruses living or nonliving?
Are fungi prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
They have eukaryotic cells.
Do protoctista form tissues?
Describe what Bacteria is
- unicellular living beings
- prokaryotic
What is the name of the protein shell that viruses are surrounded by?
Name two types of fungi.
Yeast, mold, mushrooms, lichens
What are the two types of protoctista?
Protozoa and Algae
Monera kingdom
Name one shape/type of virus.
(Remember the 4 shapes!)
1. Helical 2. Icosahedral 3. Spherical 4. Icosahedral with a tail
Provide one example of a fungus and why it is harmful to living beings.
-Open answer-
How do Protozoa reproduce?
Asexually through binary fission
Do bacteria reproduce asexually or sexually? Through what method?
They reproduce asexually through binary fission
- living or non-living?
- Cellular or non-cellular?
- How does it reproduce?
Non living structures, Non-cellular , Capable of reproducing only when inside a HOST cell.
Name a type of fungus and how we use it to make a food product.
Yeast = wine, bread, beer
Mold = cheese
According to how complex Algae is, it can be any of the following...
1. Unicellular
2. Filamentous
3. Multicellular
Name the two types of nutrition functions in bacteria.
Autotrophs and heterotrophs
HOW does a virus cause diseases in living beings?
It first enters a cell and takes control of it.
Then, it uses parts of the cell to make copies of itself (multiplies).
The invaded cell dies and the virus particles propagate (spreads)
Are lichens saprophytic, parasitic, or symbiotic?
Lichens are symbiotic since they live in association with algae
Explain in detail why algae can be helpful to life on Earth.