Environmental Impacts
Human Impacts

End up in the ecosystems that serve as homes to a range of marine life, including algae, zooplankton, fish, crabs, sea turtles, and birds

How do microplastics affect water systems?


Damage to human cells then Allergic reactions and cell death

After the damage to human cells, what happens to the human body?


They can experience health problems as severe as abrasions in their digestive tracts

How can animals be affected by microplastics?


Causes reproductive toxicity→Infertility or loss of a fetus during pregnancy

How do microplastics affect reproduction?


Microplastics contaminate this  

How is compost affected by microplastics?


Causes Neurotoxicity→Damage to the brain or peripheral nervous system

How do microplastics affect the nervous system?


It affects their fitness and soil function.

How do microplastics affect the soil fauna?


Disrupts endocrine disruptors, chemicals which block the body's hormones, causing insulin to be produced out of control. Which can ultimately lead to low blood pressure and then can cause type 1 diabetes.

What do microplastics do to the endocrine system?