Name That AKS!
AI said what?
What goes up, AWS goes down
Azure Acronyms
General Knowledge

This AKS feature allows you to scale your pods automatically based on CPU and memory utilization.

What is the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler?


A branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

What is OpenAI?


This type of storage account copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region.

What is Locally-Redundant Storage (LRS)?


This enables many types of Azure resources to securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks.

What is a VNET?


This person holds the record for winning the most Oscars.

Who is Walt Disney?


This tool gives you the power to monitor your AKS cluster like a hawk, keeping an eye on logs and metrics while sipping coffee at your dashboard.

What is Azure Monitor/Container Insights?


This tech billionaire resigned from the OpenAI board in 2018 to prevent any conflicts of interest with his position as CEO of another major tech company. 

Who is Elon Musk?


Though this service is the reason why AWS is frequently made fun of, the same service went down for Azure back in April, 2020.

What is DNS?


This agreement with Microsoft can earn you free credits if broken.

What is a SLA?


Arthur Miller thought 1690s Salem was relevant to 1950s American when he wrote this play.

What is The Crucible?


This AKS resource automatically balances incoming traffic across your service’s pods and ensures high availability.

What is Azure Policy for Kubernetes?


This AI had the cops called on it for automatically playing music a bit too lound at a residence in Hamburg, Germany. 

What is Alexa?


When you compare the 3 giant cloud service providers, this provider is winning the race for most active regions in the United States.

What is Microsoft Azure?


This simplifies deploying a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure by offloading the operational overhead to Azure.

What is AKS?


This Australian confectionary has used the catchphrase "It's moments like these..." since 1926.

What is a Mintie?


This tool helps you ensure security and compliance in AKS by enforcing policies on what can run in your clusters.

What is Azure Policy for Kubernetes?


By the end of 1993 - a different time for AI - over 300 companies related to the large umbrella that is AI went bankrupt, shut down or acquired. 

What is the 'AI winter'?


This AWS service was the first infrastructure service released by AWS in 2004.

What is Simple Queue Service (SQS)?


This extends the Microsoft .NET platform with tools and libraries, but serves an entirely different purpose in Azure.

What is an ASP?


Watching the Marvel movies in chronological order by time in history they occur, this movie would be first on the watch list. 

What is Captain America: The First Avenger?


It's like AKS's very own secret vault, making sure your sensitive data stays encrypted and hidden in plain sight—what’s the name of this mysterious enabler?

What is Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver?


This Microsoft chatbot was unveiled in 2016 as an experiment with conversational understanding. After people starting tweeting crude, racist comments at the bot, it began to mimic and use such language. It was shut down in a matter of hours.

What is Tay?


After tweeting satellite images of data centers for a week, this controversial website published an internal list of all the facilities owned by Amazon Web Services in 2015, along with the colocation data centers it was using.

What is WikiLeaks?


This is a collection of Microsoft-managed cloud services that connect, monitor, and control specific assets.

What is IoT?


This YouTube video is the most watched of all time. 

What is Baby Shark Dance?