Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5
Which tool on the Home Ribbon lets a user search for text in a document by keying the word into a search box? a. Select b. Find c. Search d. Locate
What is Find
Which editing group tool is used to search for and replace specific text in a document? a. Select b. Find c. Replace d. Locate
What is Replace
Sally wants to select the entire document that she is currently editing. What is quickest way to select the document? a. Double-Click b. Select All c. Single-Click d. Triple-Click
What is Select All
Sally wants to select an entire paragraph in her word processing document. What is the quickest way to select the paragraph? a. Double-Click b. Select All c. Single-Click d. Triple-Click
What is Triple-Click
Which command on the Review Ribbon limits how people edit or format specific parts of a document? a. Track Changes b. Block Authors c. Show Markup d. Restrict Editing
What is Restrict Editing
In the Print dialog box, which area provides a user with a list of available printers? a. Print button b. Printer Status button c. Printer List button d. Printer Selector List
What is Printer Status button
What is the process of changing the way characters appear, both on screen and in print, to improve document readability? a. Text formatting b. Paragraph formatting c. Character formatting d. Document formatting
What is Character formatting
Trey wants to create his own template from scratch. Which icon would he select to begin this process? a. Blank Document b. Sample Templates c. My Templates d. Recent Templates
What is Blank Document
The principal wants to send out a monthly update of school activities. Which type of document is the most appropriate to use? a. Memo b. Business Letter c. Newsletter d. Agenda
What is Newsletter
The principal emailed the staff to inform them about new policy changes for cell phone use. Which type of documents is the most appropriate to use? a. Memo b. Business Letter c. Newsletter d. Agenda
What is Memo
Nathan has created a new business letter and wants to use it repeatedly. What file type does he need to select when saving to protect his original letter? a. Template b. Macro c. Document d. Building Block
What is Template
Nathan is using a business letter template he created earlier and wants to save it with all the customers information. What file type should he select? a. Template b. Macro c. Document d. Building Block
What is Document
Shameka is a Yearbook Staff member. Every semester she has to create a newsletter. Instead of recreating it each time, what should she create for future use? a. Template b. New Document c. Macro d. Mail Merge
What is Template
What type of template is most appropriate for a FBLA Secretary to use to inform FBLA members of monthly club activities? a. Chart b. Newsletter c. Letter d. Fax
What is Newsletter
Trey wants to use the Black Tie Newsletter template created by Office.com . Which icon would he select to create this document? a. Blank Document b. Sample Templates c. My Templates d. Recent Templates
What is Sample Templates
Matt wants to have places in his survey template where users can check "Yes" or "No" about their senior week plans. Which tool would he use? a. Content Controls b. Macro c. Placeholder d. Textbox
What is Content Controls
Helen wants to have places in her template where users can choose one of several options to fill in a blank. Which tool would she use? a. Content Controls b. Macro c. Placeholder d. Textbox
What is Content Controls
What area in Word 2010 enables users to view document properties and update the properties information at any time while creating a document? a. Document Properties Panel b. Document Information Panel c. Word Options dialog box d. File Save as Options Screen
What is Document Properties Panel
What area is used to provide information about the author, title, subject, keywords, category, and comments that describe the document? a. Document Properties Panel b. Document Information Panel c. Word Options dialog box d. File Save as Options Screen
What is Document Information Panel
Which of the following actions or commands cannot be cancelled in Word 2010? a. Printing and saving a document b. Borders and shading c. Font color change and font size change d. Paragraph alignment and page orientations
What is Printing and saving a document
Linda is creating a custom template. If it will be quicker to use the template than to recreate the flyer from scratch each time, which important question is she answering? a. Who is the intended audience? b. Is the template easy to use? c. Will the template have correct calculations and functional macros? d. Will the template have correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics?
What is the template easy to use?
Linda is creating a custom template. If she uses the tools found on the Review tab and proofreads her document, which important question is she answering? a. Who is the intended audience? b. Is the template easy to use? c. Will the template have correct calculations and functional macros? d. Will the template have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
What is Will the template have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
Which of the following hidden formatting symbol represents a single space in a document? a. A small black dot b. A small dash c. A black arrow pointing right d. A single quotation mark
What is A small black dot
Which of the following hidden formatting symbol represents a tab stop in a document? a. A small black dot b. A small dash c. A black arrow pointing right d. A single quotation mark
What is A black arrow pointing right
To make text appear in a smaller font size below the middle point of the line, which character formatting effect is applied? a. Superscript b. Strikethrough c. Subscript d. Italic
What is Subscript