Fastest way to navigate through MRI?
What is the Favorites page
A DCR below 1.0 but greater than 0.85 is risk-rated what?
What is a C-Rating
A tax credit reduces the owner’s tax bill by one dollar for how many years?
What is 15 years
CREA Target Budgeted Closing Number for 2025
What is 1.5 billion
Fund Management requires what for all new GP relationships?
What is an Accountant call
What screen do you assign entities (developer, manager, etc.) to a property?
What is the Third party screen
The only role that should be used for AM contact purposes?
What is Point of Contact
This EVP has spent half of their life living on two islands. One is known for its tropical beauty and the other for its migrating sand dunes.
Who is Katy McShane
Hawaii and Sylt, Germany
CREA Foundation ended with how much in donations?
What is $570K donations
In lieu of an audit what would a GP request to stay within CREA guidance?
What is an Audit waiver
App name you use to track an email in CREA Link?
What is Dynamics 365
If a property will not generate the total credits projected, what is this called?
What is an Adjuster
___________________ is the total allowable cost associated with the depreciable residential rental project. If the building is located in a high cost area, the eligible basis may be increased to 130% of the actual costs.
What is Eligible Basis
What SharePoint page can you find information on Redeeming Flight Credits for Interoffice Travel?
What is CREA Accounting
This reserve is primarily utilized to fund operating deficits
What is the Operating Reserve
What screen allows you to see all deals and details for a developer owner?
What is developer overview.
When changing an AHIC rating from "C" to "B", you must uncheck this button before completion
What is Risk of credit loss "No"
The ______________ must also provide procedures that the state agency will follow to monitor the project for continuous compliance with IRC §42 requirements and notify the IRS if noncompliance occurs. The compliance monitoring requirement was made effective on January 1, 1992, and applies to all buildings for which a low-income housing credit under IRC §42 is, or has been, allowable at any time.
What is the QAP
Qualified Allocation Plan
Tax Credit properties can choose from 1 of 3 set asides. Please name 2 of the 3.
What are 20/50; 40/60 and Income Avg.
To determine the benchmark date for the expiration of the ODG you can look where?
What is Guarantor information pg. 2 of profile
What populates the dashboard every quarter?
What is the Collection Rule
What are the two types of payments CREA may be owed for stabilized deals, out of year-end surplus cash (lower tier)?
What is Asset Management Fee and LP distributions
This SVP has a little known fact that they have a twin sister!
Who is William Tomashewski
I found my first LIHTC job advertised in the newspaper, and my future wife faxed my resume.
Who is Charles Anderson?
Condition for transition of deal from development to stabilized? (Name one)
What is 8609 received and approved, revised tax returns, adjuster finalized, 8609 equity released.