This giggling red monster was the hit of the holidays as the best-selling Christmas toy of 1996.
What is Tickle Me Elmo?
The Gold Glove & Silver Slugger Awards are related to which sport?
What is Baseball?
This cranky feline’s signature underbite helped her go viral in 2012 and she eventually went on to make numerous television appearances before her passing in 2019.
Who is Grumpy Cat?
This organization that Pharmacy Services falls under.
What is Health Solutions?
During the holidays, this famous New York City landmark features a colossal Christmas tree and a popular ice-skating rink.
What is Rockefeller Center?
In 2020 California’s East Fullerton Little League banned the name of this shamed 2017 World Series champion team?
Who are the Houston Astros?
A classic bait and switch involving this English Songwriter will never let you down.
Who is Rick Astley/Rick Roll
This was Blue Shield of California's original name
What is California Physicians' Service?
In “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,” Grandma had been drinking too much of this festive holiday beverage
What is Eggnog?
On December 25th, 2021 this Los Angeles hoops, hockey & showbiz venue was renamed Arena?
What is The Staples Center?
Memes of this famous athlete flooded the internet after his emotional basketball hall of fame induction.
Who is (crying) Michael Jordan?
This was the predecessor to BSC’s ShieldCentral
What is AtShield?
There is an ongoing debate online about whether this action flick starring Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman is actually a Christmas film.
What is “Die Hard”?
Co-founded by Arnold Palmer, this network launched January 17, 1995?
What is The Golf Channel?
I don't always send memes but when I do they contain this fascinating gentleman.
Who is the World's Most Interesting Man?
This popular song originally written by John Phillips and Michelle Phillips used in many Blue Shield of California commercials.
What is California Dreamin'
This dark fairy tale about a brother, a sister, and a witch they meet in the woods, was the inspiration for gingerbread houses.
What is Hansel and Gretel?
This is commonly played in college with lots of open space, 7 players and one disc?
What is ultimate frisbee?
This toddling tike will help express your victories or frustrations with his balled-up fist full of sand.
Who is Success Kid?
This deity associated with healing and medicine on the Blue Shield of California logo.
What is the Rod/Staff of Asclepius / asklepian ?