Trey wants to create his own template from scratch. Which icon would he select to begin this process?
A. Blank Document
B. Sample Templates
C. My Templates
D. Recent Templates
What is Blank Document
To store a new or existing file with the same name, which button is used?
A. Exit
B. Close
C. Save As
D. Save
What is Save
Which command should you use to cancel a recent command or action?
A. File tab, close button
B. Shortcut Menu, Cancel command
C. Home ribbon, Clear Formatting button
D. Quick Access Toolbar, Undo button
What is Quick Access Toolbar, Undo button
Which Microsoft Word tab contains the Print command?
A. File
B. Home
C. Print Layout
D. View
What is File
Which of the following software programs is a full-featured word processing program that allows users to
create professional-looking documents and revise them easily?
A. Microsoft Office
B. Windows
C. Word
D. WordPad
What is Word
Sally wants to select an entire paragraph in her word processing document. What is the quickest way to
select the paragraph?
A. Double-Click
B. Select All
C. Single-Click
D. Triple-Click
What is triple-click
Which of the following hidden formatting symbol represents a single space in a document?
A. A small black dot
B. A small dash
C. A black arrow pointing right
D. A single quotation mark
What is a small black dot
What is the control center located below the title bar at the top of the Microsoft Word window called?
A. Task Pane
B. Tab
C. Ribbon
D. Groups
What is ribbon
In the Print dialog box, which area provides a user with a list of available printers?
A. Print
B. Printer Status
C. Printer List
D. Printer Selector List
What is printer status
How do you access Microsoft Word Help from the Word Window?
A. Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the upper right corner of the Word window
B. Press the F2 key
C. Choose the Help command on the View Ribbon
D. Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the lower left corner of the Word window
What is Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the upper right corner of the Word window
Which action would Drake take to insert the contents from the Office Clipboard into a document?
A. Keep Source Formatting
B. Keep Text Only
C. Merge Formatting
D. Paste
What is Paste
Which action or command cannot be undone in Microsoft Word?
A. Saving a document
B. Borders and shading
C. Font color change and font size change
D. Paragraph alignment and page orientations
What is saving a document
How do users switch from one ribbon to another in Microsoft Word?
A. Use any arrow key on the keyboard
B. Use the Page Up or Page Down keys on the keyboard
C. Click the tab of the ribbon they wish to access
D. Shift+ Tab to move to the next ribbon
What is Click the tab of the ribbon they wish to access
What command is used to quit the current presentation on screen but leave the Microsoft PowerPoint
program open?
A. Exit
B. Close
C. Save
D. Save As
What is close
Which command is used to close the current document without exiting Microsoft Word?
A. File tab, choose Exit button
B. Close button in upper right corner of the program window
C. File tab, choose Close button
D. File tab, choose Quit button
What is File tab, choose Close button
Nathan is using a business letter template he created earlier and wants to save it with all the customers
information. What file type should he select?
A. Template
B. Macro
C. Document
D. Building Block
What is Document
What is the correct file format of a normal Microsoft Word template?
A. .docx
B. .dot
C. .tmp
D. .dotx
What is .dotx
On the View Ribbon, which command allows the document to be viewed as it would appear in a multilevel
A. Print Layout
B. Draft
C. Outline
D. Web Layout
What is Outline
What is the name of the view on the File tab that enables a user to manage files and data about files, and
find frequently used features for managing PowerPoint presentation files?
A. Normal
B. Backstage
C. Background
D. Edit
What is Backstage
To specify the size of the viewable area and allow users to reduce or enlarge the size of a document window,
which command is used?
A. Scale
B. Resize
C. Zoom
D. Scope
What is Zoom
Nathan has created a new business letter and wants to use it repeatedly. What file type does he need to select
when saving to protect his original letter?
A. Template
B. Macro
C. Document
D. Building Block
What is Template
To save a new file or an existing file in its same storage location, which commonly used shortcut key or
keyboard key combination is used?
B. ALT + S
D. Shift + S
What is CTRL + S
Which command on the Home ribbon applies a shadow, glow, or reflection to selected text or paragraphs?
A. Text Effects
B. Text Highlight Color
C. Shading
D. Color
What is text effects
What is the name assigned to a file when it is saved?
A. Document name
B. Document title
C. File name
D. File title
What is file name
Which of the following terms defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special
characters in a document?
A. Print
B. Font
C. Scheme
D. Format