Mind, Body, Drugs
Alcohol Math :)
Celebrity Use
Medical Terms

The two main components of marijuana. 

What is THC and CBD?

A person, place or thing that reminds a person of their substance use.

What is a trigger?


The legal BAC limit for those over the age of 21. 

What is 0.08? 


This Massachusetts native and Dunkin' lover has fought with alcohol addiction his entire life. This actor regularly attends 12-step meetings and has an extensive familial history with addiction and mental illness, including his father and grandparents. 

Who is Ben Affleck? 


This experience following heavy alcohol use often involves headache, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and sensitivity to light.

What is a hangover?


The drug category that contains drugs such as marijuana, K2, spice, or hash. 

What are cannabinoids? 


A term that describes when the body gets used to a drug, and needs larger and larger amounts to produce the same effect.

What is tolerance?


The number of shots in a fifth of alcohol (26.5 fl oz). 

What is ~17 shots?


This prolific rock singer, known for her deep voice and free-thinking hippie lifestyle, was also known for her addiction to opioids and alcohol. She passed at the age of 27 due to an accidental heroin overdose. 

Who is Janis Joplin? 


Defined as scarring of the liver, it is the final phase of chronic liver disease, in many cases caused by alcohol abuse.

What is cirrhosis? 


The percentage of Americans who have tried marijuana in the last year. 

A) 11.4%  B) 16.9%  C) 23%  D) 48.7%

What is B) 16.9%? 


Four areas of life impacted by drug/alcohol abuse. 

What is physical health, mental health, family, social, vocational (work/school), financial, spiritual, legal, or leisure?


The amount of time it takes for BAC to be measured in your body after drinking. 

What is 30-70 minutes? 


This charming superhero was known in the 90's for his extensive legal troubles related to drugs and attended rehab multiple times before shooting back to fame in the late 2000's. He has been sober since 2003, and credits his recovery to therapy, familial support, 12-step programs, yoga, and meditation. 

Who is Robert Downey Jr.?


A dangerous pattern of drinking that corresponds to 5 or more drinks for men, and 4 or more drinks for women in a 2 hour period.

What is binge drinking?

According to a 2012 study, the number of IQ points that can be lost by the age 30 if heavy marijuana use begins as a teenager. 

What is 8 points?


A stage of change associated with beginning to acknowledge change is possible, but still feeling ambivalent about it. 

What is contemplation? 


The amount of alcohol your body can metabolize in one hour, on average (BAC number).

What is 0.015?


This celebrity, well-known for being one of five in a well-known sitcom, had struggled with addiction since he was 14 and stated he has attended 6,000 AA meetings in his life. He recently passed in 2023.

Who is Matthew Perry?


The two types of liver infection that have vaccines. 

What is Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B? 


In some long-term cannabis users, individuals may experience regular cycles of severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration, sometimes requiring emergency medical attention.

What is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome? 


An effective and evidence-based therapy that is used to treat addiction, depression, anxiety, and other mental illness by changing thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


According to the NHTSA, the amount of people per day in alcohol-related traffic deaths.
A) 16  B) 25  C) 31  D) 37

What is D) 37?


This old Hollywood triple-threat performer used drugs and alcohol to cope with the rising pressures of fame since she was a teenager. She overdosed on barbiturates in 1969.

Who is Judy Garland?


This condition is associated with vision changes, impaired memory, and loss of coordination caused by malnutrition associated with severe alcohol abuse.  

What is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS)/alcohol dementia/wet brain?