Amy has 4 apples. Jerry brings her 2 more. How many apples does Amy have now? Draw a number bond.
What is 6 apples.
Sonia has 3 pieces of candy. Rob brings her 7 more. How much candy does Sonia have? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE ADDING!
What is 3+7=10
8 kids are playing on the trampoline. 5 kids go inside to eat. How many kids are left? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE SUBTRACTING!
What is 8-5=3
Matt has 4 red markers. He has 5 blue markers. How many markers does he have in all. Draw a number bond.
What is 9 markers.
6 girls are reading. 3 boys join them. How many children are reading now? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE ADDING!
What is 6+3=9
6 bears were drinking water. 2 bears left to hunt. How many bears are left? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE SUBTRACTING!
What is 6-2=4.
Jim has 3 football cards. Jim has 5 baseball cards. How many cards does he have in all? Draw a number bond.
What is 8 cards.
5 boys are swinging. 5 girls join them. How many children are swinging? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE ADDING!
What is 5+5=10
There were 7 apples. Kimberly ate 5 of them. How many apples are left? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE SUBTRACTING!
What is 7-5=2.
2 girls are playing frisbee at recess. 3 more girls ask to join. How many girls are playing now? Draw a number bond.
What is 5 girls.
A jar has 6 marbles in it. 2 more marbles are added to the jar. How many marbles are in the jar? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE ADDING!
What is 6+2=8
There are 8 cookies in the oven. 7 of them burnt. How many cookies didn't burn?
What is 8-7=1.
There are 7 kittens playing. 2 more kitten join them. How many kittens are there now? Draw a number bond.
What is 9 kittens.
You have 1 dog. Your dog has 3 puppies! How many animals do you have now? Draw a picture and write a number sentence...REMEMBER WE ARE ADDING!
What is 1+3=4.
There are 6 fish swimming. 3 of them swim away. How many fish are still swimming?
What is 6-3=3