Tax Rate For Investments, could be Long-Term or Short Term
Capital Gains Tax
Tax Form used for Business Use of Home
8829 for the Homeys
Business Use of Home
This is an acronym for Payroll taxes; Medicare, Social Security, and Unemployment
Business use of home is not just about square footage, but hours of operation if you run this type of business
8889 reports these accounts
Sales and Use Tax
Houses bought around 2008 maybe require clients to pay this back, filed on form 5405
First-Time Homebuyer Credit
8880 - Plan your retirement and get a credit
Saver's Credit
Excise Tax
A rental is considered personal use if used more than this many days
14 days
8867 - Every Preparer Every Time
Due Diligence Checklist
There's an additional tax when an CEO receives this type of payment for being laid off due to a company merger or takeover
Golden Parachute
Section 121 goes over this exclusion
Main Home Exclusion
8863 - Learning Pays
Education Credits