Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Final Jeopardy

When you circle your interconnected hands, you get the first part of the full name for this sign language from this united country.

What is America


Point to your ear and move down to your mouth and you get this sign.

What is deaf


Sign D and shake it to get this sign for this Walworth County town.

What is Delavan


When you cross two fists in front of your chest in an X then move them away from each other, you get this sign.

What is save


You move two Y's down to get this present tense sign.

What is now


You pat a lot of invisible heads when you sign this sign.

What is children


Smash your palms together with fingers pointing away from each other to get this sign.

What is paper


Take two C's palms up and rotate them that they're facing palms down to get this sign for this school related group.

What is class


When you mimic shooting with a bow and arrow, you get the sign for this shooting sport.

What is archery


The World's only liberal arts school designed specificly for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

What is Gallaudet University


When calling this domestic canine, you slap your thigh and then snap.

What is dog


"Those born deaf all become senseless and incapable of reason," was said by this famous Greek philosopher.

Who is Aristotle


In 1852, the Wisconsin State Legislature gave this school a $1,000 for a building and $5,000 for a years conduct.

What is Wisconsin School for the Deaf (WSD)


Sign two O's by your forehead, moving them outward and then change them into palms open moving down. This is the sign for this profession.

What is teacher


I King Jordan became the first Deaf President of Gallaudet University as the result of this student lead protest.

What is the Deaf President Now Movement


Raise your pinky, leaving the rest in a fist like you're going to drink tea and you get the sign for this letter.

What is the letter I


This Italian doctor recognized that the deaf could learn because hearing didn't require learning. Thus he challenged Aristotle.

Who is Girolamo Cardano


This New York native moved to Delavan in 1839 and ended up founding the Wisconsin School for the Deaf.

Who was Ebenezer Chesebro


This Deaf superhero with photographic reflexes was introduced by Marvel in 1999 as the adopted daughter of Daredevil villain, Kingpin.

Who is Maya Lopez/Echo


This comicbook published in 2012 introduced a new way and new language in which write in comic book in.

What is Hawkeye #19


"Hang lose" is really the sign for this sunshine color.

What is Yellow


A chance encounter with a deaf neighbor lead to this American minister to found the first school for the deaf in the United States.

Who is Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet


"It is believed and hoped that the location of the school will not be changed from Delavan, but that the new building will be located on the site of the old one. The school has passed through many ordeals, recently, but it was prosperous in a high degree when this calamity came upon it, and it is hoped that every citizen of Walworth county will feel an anxiety to have it re-established on its old foundations and under present management." is found in this book that was published in 1912.

What is the History of Walworth County Wisconsin


This bow toting, purple clad Avenger became deaf in the 2012-2014 Fraction/Aja run of the comic series of the same name.

Who is Hawkeye


Wiggle your fingers on your chin to get this sign.

What is color