Tell me about the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership attributes.

  • character (army values, warrior ethos, empathy, discipline), 

  • presence (military bearing, fitness, confidence, resilience)

  • Intellect (mental agility, sound judgement, innovation, interpersonal tact, expertise)


How do you know if a cut needs medical attention?

    - bleeding uncontrollably, is deep, or is located in a certain area of the body


What are your strengths and weaknesses in leadership and management?

  • Leadership- people focused, vision and strategy, influence and inspiration, attitudes, behaviors…..planning directing, coordinating, time management, setting priorities, suggesting, requesting

  • Management- task focused, rational thinking, policies and procedures, planning and organizing, evaluation


What is one thing you’re most proud of in your resume?



Who is the SAI/AI?



What is the hardest part in trying to become a better writer?

    -organizing thoughts, grammer, run-on sentences, fragments


What are the three types of bullying?

  • social (leaving someone out on purpose, telling others to not be friends with someone, spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public) 

  • physical (hitting, spitting, tripping/pushing, take or break someone's personal stuff, making mean or rude hand gestures), 

verbal (teasing, name calling, taunting, threatening)


What is an ethical dilemma?

    -situations involving choices where the options available are not fully ethical


What data is used to support the Battalion Continuous Improvement Plan?

    -attendance data


What is the mission of JROTC?

To motivate young people to be better citizens.


What are some of the different types of Speeches?

    -entertaining, impromptu, persuasive, informative, argumentative, actuating (motivating)


What do you do to promote healthy habits?

-exercise, eat healthy, enough sleep, healthy options for controlling stress, avoid unsafe behaviors


Tell me about a time you supervised an activity at school, work, home, church, or in the



What do you do to minimize prejudice in relationships with others?

Dialogue- conversations, debates, and panel discussions. Confrontation- effective feedback, active listening. Education- understand yourself, others, and the enviroment.


What does the acronym JROTC stand for?

Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps


What’s the difference between a job and a career?

-A "job" is the work you do to make a living

- A career is a chosen field of work that has the potential for continuous fraught and advancement by incorporating you interest, values, skills, and strengths to proved long term fulfillment


Who is the Battalion Commander, XO, and CSM?

Jade, Mariangel, Yadrian


How do the platoon leader and platoon sergeant facilitate teamwork in your platoon?

PL- keep the company commander informed of the status of the platoon at all times, sets the right example, on time, active learner, takes responsibility, uniform is correct, know all phases of drill, uses chain of command to accomplish tasks, 

    PSG- form up the platoon when required, assist the PL in su[pervising the squad leaders, develop a spirit of teamwork, assist the PL in training the platoon, knows individual, squad and platoon drill and teaches it to the cadets, knows how to properly set up and and wear uniform, keeps track of uniform deficiencies and conducts inspections, completely informed of all platoon matters and ready to assume control of the platoon in the absence of the PL


What is the goal of your team’s service learning project?

     -Supporting veterans, wreaths across America, parades…


Which rank is an E-5?

Cadet Sergeant


What are some of the characteristics and responsibilities of a good drill leader?

Consistency, sincerity, patience and spirit, military bearing and neatness, providing examples, providing feedback when mistakes are noted, fairness and good judgment


Who is on the BN Staff?

1. Jaselee

2. Yarilez

3. Jayala

4. Zelena

5. Edwin


What post-secondary institutions are you Interested in attending?

    -college, military, service program, etc


How long is the CIP Brief?

How long is the SLB?

 30 minutes each


Say the Cadet Creed

I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.