Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Define morality?

It refers to the standards by which we judge actions to be good or evil.


Describe Ignorance ( Simple Answer)

lack of knowledge


What is the natural law?

Natural law is the rule of right conduct or behavior for human beings based on the whole of human nature.


What is the relationship between civil law and the natural law?

In order for a civil law to be just, it must reflect a precept of the natural law articulated by the Ten Commandments


What is the eternal law?

Eternal law is God’s wise governance of the universe.


Explain the difference between objective morality and moral relativism.

One states that there are NO objective morals. Every moral belief is subjective, or an opinion, in the eyes of a moral relativist. The other states that some moral decisions are always good or evil.


What are reasons why Christians should try to live a moral life?

Love of God and neighbor is a perfect motivation for living a moral life.
Fear of the consequences of immoral actions is an imperfect but valid motivation.


What are the Beatitudes?

The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on the meaning and way to true happiness


What is “equality of proportion”?

“Equality of proportion” means that people should contribute to society according to their ability.


What is a moral act?

A moral act is a choice that has a moral content and is done with deliberation.


What does moral law provide 

knowledge of the inner life of God and his plans for us


What gives freedom to a Christian?

Good moral actions make us freer; bad moral behavior makes us a slave to our sin.


Based on Divine Revelation, what is the model for human nature?

The Person of Jesus Christ is our model for human nature.


What is the common good?

The common good is composed of things that benefit everyone rather than particular individuals.


What is a mortal sin?

It is a grave offense against God that destroys a person’s relationship with him by severing the person from divine love.


Define Original sin

The absence of original holiness and justice into which humans are born, distinct from the actual sins that a person commits.


What are the two basic types of human law?

human authority that is either civil or ecclesiastical 


What is our highest end as human beings?

Eternal beatitude, or perfect happiness with God in Heaven, is a human being’s highest end.


What are the four types of law?

Eternal law, Natural law, Divinely revealed  law,Human law


What is a venial sin?

A venial sin is a sin that does not meet all three conditions for a mortal sin.


Why is a Christian held to a higher standard of contact?

A Christian is held to a higher standard of conduct because our baptism placed higher moral expectations on all baptized Christians.


How does God accomplish his reconciliation with man?

It is accomplished through the life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


What is revealed law?

Revealed law is law given to us directly by God.


If the authority for a law must ultimately come from God, what is the status of laws that violate the natural law

Laws that declare good what God has revealed to be evil are immoral and must not be obeyed.


What is conscience?

Conscience is a judgment of reason regarding the morality of our acts.