What is our conscience?
Our inner voice that tells us right from wrong.
The Islamic name for God.
An annual pilgrimage to Mecca.
List 2 or 3 ways that early Muslims preserved Muhammad's words before the Quran was compiled into an official book.
Memorization, recitations in worship, writing them down on wood, leather, stones, paper, bark.
Explain how the Quran differs from the Bible in the truth of the Bible.
The Quran teaches that Jews and Christians changed God's word to suit themselves.
The city of Mecca falls to the Muslim forces.
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A black cube-like structure in Mecca where Muslims come annually to worship Allah.
A monotheistic religion founded by Muhammad.
Explain how the Quran differs from the Bible in the crucifixion of Jesus.
The Quran denies the crucifixion and death of Christ.
The Aramaic word for Daddy or Papa.
23% of the world's population is Muslim.
The holy book of Islam.
A follower of Islam whose name means "one who submits" in Arabic.
Explain how the Quran differs from the Bible in the account of Noah and the flood.
The Quran says one of Noah's sons died in the flood.
To cancel or replace.
The 1st and 2nd Caliphs expand Islam.
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The founder of Islam who received recitations in a cave in the mountains near Mecca.
What are 2 sources of truth upon which Muslims base their worldview?
Explain how the Quran differs from the Bible in the account of Moses and the pharoah.
The Quran says that pharaoh's household found Moses, Moses was an enemy of the Egyptians, pharaoh did not die in the Red Sea, and pharaoh converted to Islam on his deathbed.
A story based on a legend or myth that cannot be proven true.
Apocryphal story.
Sunni Muslims comprise the largest branch of Islam.
The holiest city in Islam and site of the Ka'aba.
Define hadith.
A speech or saying of Muhammad.
Explain how the Quran differs from the Bible in the identity of Jesus as God the Son.
The Quran denies Jesus as the Son of God.
The personal name for God, from the Hebrew language, I AM.