Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3

What is Social Justice?

Promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity


What is intersectionality? 

Intersectionality acknowledges that individuals' experiences of oppression and privilege are shaped not by a single factor, such as gender or race, but by the interconnected and overlapping nature of various social categories.


Slaves in Pre-Colonial Africa were needed for what 5 reasons?

- Prisoners of war

- Raiding

- Kidnapping 

- Pawning 

- Tribute


What is Utilitarianism? Provide an example 

The happiness of the majority. Trolley problem 


Who was the commander of the confederate Army?

General Robert E. Lee


What is the definition of marginalization? Provide a valid example.

Certain individuals or groups are pushed to the edge of society, often resulting in their exclusion and discrimination. 


What is the definition of oppression and Name 4 types of oppression?

Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. (Race, Religion, Gender, Political Party, Mental State)


Name ONLY 4 rights that slaves in Pre-Colonial Africa had.

- Rights to have a family - Rights to an independent income - Rights to be clothed and Fed - Right to marry - Slaves were able to receive land from their owners - Slaves were entitles to legal protection 


What does WPC stand for and their importance during the Jim crow era?

Women Political Council. This organization was founded by African American Women Activist with the goals of addressing issues of racial inequality and advocating for civil rights. 


What is autocracy? Provide an example

In an autocratic system, the ruler typically makes decisions without the consent or input of other individuals or governing bodies. North Korea. 


What is distributive justice? Whose philosophy does it follow, David Miller or John Rawls?

A Philosophy that concerns the fair distribution of resources, benefits, and burdens in a society. John Rawls


What is a democracy? Provide an example

A democracy is where the people are able to participate in the choosing of their leader/s. Voting rights.

How did the Civil War begin? What parties were apart of this war and why?

The confederates of the south disagreed with the new form of government that the union of the North wanted to establish. The Confederates wanted to separate themselves from the union creating their own nation where slavery is institutionalized. The goals of the union were to keep the union as one. 


What were the green and red flags or the Emancipation Proclamation? 

Green Flags: Granted freedom in the northern states; Shifted the focus of the civil war to abolish slavery as a whole 

Red Flags: Did not address issues of racial equality and the social and political integration of former slaves


What is the 13th Amendment and its importance to African Americans?

Abolished slavery throughout the United States. African Americans were freed from their status of being a slave in the Southern States, rather than having to travel to the northern states for freedom. 


What is the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights?

Grants you the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures by the police and requires them to get a warrant based upon probable cause


What is the Assembly Line and their duties.

Law - Rules and regulations in placed to maintain peace 

Police - Duties are to uphold the law 

Court - Where an individual is judged in the court of law 

Correctional Facility - Where an individual completes their sentence/punishment 

Explain what happened at the battle of Antietam.

The confederates tried to ambush the union in Virginia, however in the process losing their battle plays leaving the union to have the advantage to defend themselves and leaving this battle to end in a draw.


What is the 14th Amendment?

Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves.


What was the importance of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and main face of this movement? Why that person specifically?

The Montgomery bus boycott was the start of the civil rights movement. African Americans were tired of being mistreated when it came to public transportation and rallied up together and started a yearlong boycott against the public transportation system. Rosa Parks was the main face of this boycott due to her experience of getting arrested for not standing for a white man to sit in the area of where she was sitting. She was the perfect face due to her skin complexion and her previous attempts of advocating for civil rights. 


What and how do the goals of both crime reduction and due process, of the criminal justice system, differ from each other? 

Crime Reduction: Goals in preventing crime; more police

Due Process: Goals in protecting individuals rights throughout the justice system

Difference: Crime reduction would lead to less crime but more innocent convictions while Due process would lead to more crime but less wrongful convictions.


What type of society out of the 4 major theories of justice is being described below? In the vibrant town of Horizon, individuals reveled in a unique societal structure characterized by limited government intervention and a strong emphasis on personal freedom. Entrepreneurs thrived in open markets, freely exchanging goods and services without the shackles of excessive regulations. Citizens were responsible for their own pursuits, shaping a community where voluntary cooperation and self-reliance were paramount. The absence of bureaucratic red tape allowed innovation to flourish, and community decisions were made through direct collaboration rather than top-down governance. As Horizon embraced the principles of this distinctive system, it provided a canvas for individuals to paint their destinies with the brushstrokes of liberty.

A Libertarian society.

Explain the purpose of the Reconstruction era in America and when did it occur?

The reconstruction era happened shortly after the Civil War and its goals were to integrate newly freed African American into the American Society. 

Explain the Jim Crow Era and explain how did this impact African Americans?

Jim crow laws enforced segregation in the southern states of the United States. African Americans were not able to use public properties such as water fountains, go to public parks, restaurants, public transportation, schools etc...


How did the Jim crow laws affect African Americans throughout the generations? Think about what has already been spoken in class, think of the movie 12 years a slave and etc... 

African Americans could not access the proper resources that would have set them up for success. African Americans dealt with a new form of systematic oppression, laws and regulations built against them making it harder for African American to succeed.