Jesus gives us divine life through what?
The Sacraments
The meaning of "Koodasa" is what?
Sanctifying Act
The meaning of the term baptisim is?
The Syrian term "Qurbana" means
Holy Eucharist
Who is the head of the body, the Church?
Who make the promise and recites the creed for the infant who receives baptisim.
Who is the first Martyr of the Church
What did God feed the Israelites with through the journey to the land of Canaan
Who instituted the Sacraments
Name the sacrament that sets us free from original sin
Name the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice his son Issac
Mount Moriah
When did Jesus institute the Holy Eucharist(Holy Qurbana)?
Paschal Feast Day
Jesus says, "I am the vine, and you are the......."
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came on the disciples in the form of
Tongues of Fire
The life giving water that Jesus promised is the
Divine Life
Where did Jesus offer his life to fulfil the will of God, the Father?
Where were the two disciples of Jesus going to after the resurrection of Jesus?
What is the community of people who believe in Jesus and obey his words?
We receive the special power and charisms of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Fortitude,Piety and Fear of God
Which are the sacraments of Initiation?
Anointing,Baptism and Holy Qurbana
What are the fruits of Holy Qurbana?
forgiveness of sins,growth in divine life,strengthened unity with God and growth in communion with the Church
What are the three requisites necessary to receive Holy Communion worthily?
1. Being in a state of grace
2. Fasting for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion
3. Have proper preparation and devotion
What are the fruits of Baptism?
1. Liberates us from sin
2. Bestows divine life upon us
3. Makes us children of God
4. Invites us as members of the Church
5. Designates us as heirs to heaven