The Ice Age
The Period of Global Cooling.
Who were peasants?
Farmers with small farms
A religion based on the teachings of Buddha.
What is the caste system?
A system that divided Indian society into groups based on a person's birth, wealth, or occupation.
Customs, values, and beliefs of a group.
How long did the Zhou Dynasty last for?
1100s BC-481 BC. 619 years
Who was Buddha?
Buddha is called "The Enlightened One".
Weather patterns over a long period of time
What did Confucius want for China to become?
How can people reach Nirvana?
People have to overcome desire and ignorance and reach Nirvana.
The first writing system
Why did people listen to the Mandate of Heaven?
Whenever someone says it's a mandate, they make people that it was something that was actually said by the Gods.
What did missionaries do?
Missionaries work to spread their religious beliefs to other kingdoms.
Phoenician Alphabet
Prototype of Modern English alphabet
Who was the founder of Daoism?
The founder of Daoism is Laozi.
Where did Buddhism begin? What happened to the religion?