The cause is also called the:
The superior vena cava is
vein dumps deoxygenated blood from the head/shoulders and returns it to the heart.
If a person's head were divided on the coronal plane, what division of the body is this?
From front to back, and therefore both eyes could be seen on the same plane
Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is known as:
What is the suffix for: creation of an opening
Partial dislocation of a joint is known as.....
The widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a:
cerebral aneurysm.
The inner most part of the ear is the
PEARRLA means....
pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
A lung disorder caused by the limiting of air into the lungs is called a(n):
Restrictive lung disease
Flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart, caused by a weak heart valve, and is called:
aortic regurgitation.
Which term refers to toward the bottom?
Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow?
Translate the root salping/o as it is related to the ear, not fallopian tubes.
eustachian tube
Decline in mental function is called.....
What are the three main types of cells in the blood?
erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
A patient has a rash on the top of both of his hands. Which is the correct medical term for the rash's location?
Bilateral, dorsum
Hearing loss caused by sound not being transmitted from the inner ear to the brain is referred to as?
sensorineural hearing loss
What does enter/o mean?
Translate hypoglycemic literally
pertaining to low blood sugar
What is combining form for fatty plaque
What is the opposite of proximal?
Which root refers to the nerve bundle?
Which drug lessens anxiety?
Anxiolytic or Benzodiazepine