True or False. In a daily drama, you cannot use the boom to guess the shot size because they use a condenser mic and hang it from the ceiling in most cases.
What is true?
"In the theatre we rehearse, and then we perform. For the screen, we rehearse and then we _________________."
What is repeat?
Editors will usually cut away from a speaker just BEFORE what?
What is just BEFORE she has finished speaking in order for us to see the responder just BEFORE she starts to speak?
Screen actors will "cheat" and hold their props here.
What is close to their face?
True or False. In the middle of a scene -- things are not going well -- you should stop.
What is False?
The actor knows that the camera is operative because of this.
What is the red light?
The most popular shot in Television Drama is this shot.
What is the medium close up?
What is the camera side hand, or the hand closest to the camera.
Three-quarter front angle is not used as often as the frontal angle or profile because it shows more depth and volumes.
What is TRUE?
This is how the actor avoids continuity mistakes.
What is memorizing your business with your lines?
When moving on camera, the actor should-
What is talk fast and move slow?
According to Patrick Tucker, this is the Golden Rule.
What is react?
Business or biz, is NOT another way for the actor to tell the audience how he/she feels in the scene.
What is False?
In a 3-shot, this is where the actor should see the camera.
What is between the two other actors?
The rule where you must keep all of the cameras on one side of the actors body is called...
Effective distance to project depends on this.
What is shot size?