Active vs. Passive
Parts of Speech
Literary Terms
Logos, Ethos, Pathos

Matt scored a goal with 2 seconds to go. 

Active or Passive Voice?

Active voice 

Matt is at the start of the sentence.


The plane landed safely at the airport. 

Identify the nouns in the sentence.

plane, airport


An interuption in current events where you go back to something that happened previously or prior to now is a ____________.



As a doctor, I can certainly say that this product will definitely improve your health and overall life.



WHO am I?

I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below.



Active or Passive voice?

The movie was being watched by the class.

Passive Voice


I saw my teacher at the store. 

Identify the nouns.

teacher, store


Is the voice of this passage FORMAL or INFORMAL?

We are looking for volunteers for next week’s field trip to the Museum of Natural  History. We will depart the school at exactly nine a.m. on a charter bus. The drive  will take approximately one hour. We will split up into groups of six and each  parent chaperoning will have charge of one group. We will reconvene at noon and  have lunch on the bus. Then the groups will return to the museum for two more  hours of sight‐seeing. We expect to be back at the school by four in the  afternoon. If you are interested in chaperoning please contact Miss Lynn as soon  as possible.



If you don't buy this life insurance today, then you are letting your family down.  Do you really want to be responsible for letting your family down?



WHERE am I? 

 I was allowed to push the cart. The front left wheel was broken, so the cart wobbled down each aisle.  Mother put various packages and boxes in the cart, but I didn’t notice. I was trying to keep the cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier. 

At a store

For a sentence with ACTIVE voice, what comes at the BEGINNING of the sentence?

The subject (the who or the what)


Identify the verbs in this sentence:

Read the book, then write your answer, and tell me when you are finished.

Read, write, tell


Who is the audience for this passage?

We are looking for volunteers for next week’s field trip to the Museum of Natural  History. We will depart the school at exactly nine a.m. on a charter bus. The drive  will take approximately one hour. We will split up into groups of six and each  parent chaperoning will have charge of one group. We will reconvene at noon and  have lunch on the bus. Then the groups will return to the museum for two more  hours of sight‐seeing. We expect to be back at the school by four in the  afternoon. If you are interested in chaperoning please contact Miss Lynn as soon  as possible.

Parents of students


It is a fact that smoking causes cancer.  If you don't want cancer, then don't smoke!


Read this passage.  Does this sound like a pleasant place to live?

When Dorothy stood in the doorway and 

looked around, she could see nothing but 

the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor 

a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else. 

NO, it's gray and dull.


What is at the BEGINNING of a sentence that is written in PASSIVE voice?

The verb or the action


Identify the nouns:

The students enjoy reading books about fairies.

students, books, fairies


Is the voice of this passage FORMAL or INFORMAL?

Can you help us out next week? We’re taking an awesome bus trip into D.C. to the  museum that has all the dinosaur bones in it. It’ll take us an hour to get there,  then we’ll split up into groups and go check things out. After lunch on the bus  we’ll cruise back into the museum for a second look. Then we’ll shoot home,  ahead of rush hour traffic. If you want to get in on this, call Miss Lynn!



Donate to our troops because they are the ones risking their lives for our freedoms!  



What happened next?

Alice was carrying a large clothes basket from the bedroom down the stairs to the laundry room. She struggled under the weight of the basket. She wished her younger brothers would help her. Instead, they were playing. She had heard them throwing a baseball in the house earlier. She had told them to go outside. They had gone to the backyard, but they had left the baseball on the stairs. 

She fell and the laundry went everywhere.


Change the sentence to passive voice.

Victor scored the winning point of the game last night.  

After mom told him he couldn't go out Friday night, Eric stormed out of the house.


Identify the verbs:

My sister drove her car to the store after she ate dinner with her friends.

drove, ate


The voice of this person lets us know they are probably talking to who? 

Good afternoon, I just wanted to thank you for shutting our gate yesterday. I’ll  be more careful in the future to make sure the dog doesn’t get out again

A neighbor


As your teacher, I really want you to do your best so that you can have opportunities after high school.  



WHO am I? 

 I liked walking next to the covered wagon more than riding in it with my sisters. If I got tired, sometimes my father would let me ride horseback behind him. In the evening, Pa, my brothers and I would sleep under the wagon, while Ma and my sisters slept in the wagon. I hoped we would reach the West soon.

A pioneer boy heading west