What's the Purpose?
Active Reading
QAR stands for this.
What is Question-Answer Relationships
This author's purpose provides a reader with facts.
What is inform?
This term means "prior knowledge".
What is schemata?
When a reader uses this Fix-It strategy, he/she "sees" a picture in his/her mind.
What is visualize?
This Active Reading Strategy involves highlighting important words, phrases, and/or sentences to better comprehend a text.
What is marking the text?
This QAR question type can be identified by locating the words used to write the question and the answer to the question in one sentence within the text.
What is right there?
This author's purpose influences a reader to think or act a certain way.
What is persuade?
The formula for making an inference is: prior knowledge + _____ = inference
What is text evidence?
Readers should make a _____ between the text and their lives, the world, and another text.
What is a connection?
A reader can write note while reading to _____ ideas and details.
What is clarify?
This QAR type is not found in the text and is answered by making inferences.
What is Author and Me?
This author's purpose gives the reader a feeling of enjoyment.
What is entertain?
Make an inference about the following passage. You see a man running and frantically waving at a bus that is pulling away from a bus stop.
What is the man missed the bus?
Noticing _____ in text structure can help a reader comprehend more effectively.
What are patterns?
"How will things turn out?" is an example of this Active Reading Strategy.
What is predicting?
"When have you felt proud?" is an example of this QAR question type.
What is On My Own?
Identify the author's purpose for the passage. "Do you want whiter teeth? Do you want cleaner teeth? Do you want fresher breath? Then you need to buy a tube of Tops Toothpaste. Tops Toothpaste will make your teeth whiter. Tops Toothpaste will make your teeth feel cleaner. Tops Toothpaste will make your breath smell fresher."
What is persuade?
Make an inference about the following passage. Your sister comes home from spending the evening with her friends, slams the front door and runs to her room while crying.
What is she had a bad time with her friends? (accept any reasonable answers)
A reader should _____ his/her reading rate when confusion occurs during reading.
What is adjust?
When a reader listens to his/her thoughts, feelings, and reactions he/she is connecting and _____ to a text.
What is reacting?
"What are the character traits that you see in the main character?" is an example of this QAR question type.
What is Think and Search?
Identify the author's purpose for the passage. "Scientists say that elephants can pick up vibrations from earthquakes through their broad feet. Elephants' toenails are in the skin and not attached to the toes. Elephants' soles have sensitive foot pads that detect vibrations, such as those from an earthquake. That signals elephants to move to more stable ground."
What is inform?
Make an inference about the following passage. The baby was asleep upstairs in his bed. Suddenly, I heard a loud, "THUMP!" and he began crying hysterically.
What is the baby fell out of the bed?
Bold print, italicized print, underlining, space, and grammar are examples of this Fix-It Strategy.
What are print conventions?
Drawing quick sketches in a journal is one way to demonstrate this Active Reading Strategy.
What is visualize?