Chp 1
Chp 2
Chp 3
Chp 4
Chp 5
Observing the behavior as it occurs in a setting refers to which goal of psychology?
A major problem for the naïve realism view of perception is
What is our perception of ambiguous figures.
Before classical conditioning takes place, the response is automatically elicited by the ___________________
What is unconditioned stimulus
This demonstrates that when information inconsistent with an original experience is later presented, people often remember this later information as being part of the original experience.
What is “misinformation effect”
While one of the factors in the two-factor theory of intelligence consisted of specific abilities, the other factor was ________________.
What is general intelligence or “g"
Psychology is a hybrid of __________ and __________.
What is philosophy and physiology
Michael is taking part in an experiment in which he is presented with a easily visible light. A second light is now presented and Michael is asked whether the second light appears brighter than the first light. Michael is taking part in an experiment concerned with
What is difference thresholds.
In classical conditioning, if you eliminate the pairing of the CS and the UCS, _____________should take place.
What is extinction
The formation of some type of internal representation of incoming information is the process referred to as
What is encoding.
The age level of the highest or most difficult item a child can correctly answer is called the child’s _____________________.
What is mental age
The term __________________ refers to the concept that the contents of the mind are difficult to understand as a collection of separate parts because the content is ever changing.
What is the phi phenomenon
The increase in our ability to see in dimly-lit conditions over time, due to regeneration of photopigments, is called
What is dark adaptation
A child who has been conditioned to cry at the pediatrician’s office because it has been associated with the pain of receiving injections, also cries the first time she is taken to a dental office. This is an example of ________________.
What is generalization
You have just looked up a phone number and are saying it to yourself until you can dial the number. You are thus holding the number in your
What is short-term memory.
It has been reported that African-American children scored on average of _______ points lower than Caucasian children on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence.
What is 15
Psychologists working from the _____________ perspective assume that many of the reasons for a person’s behavior are unconscious.
What is psychodynamic
This theory of vision provides a good explanation for the phenomenon of color afterimages.
What is the opponent-process theory
Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, and Secondary reinforcement.
What is all increase behavior?
Miller’s “magical number seven, plus or minus two” refers to the number of
What is units of information that can be held in short-term memory.
The term ______________ refers to the proportion of variance in a trait that can be attributed to genetic variance in the sample being studied.
What is heritability.
A psychiatrist holds a ______________ degree which allows them to prescribe medication to patients.
What is M. D.
The relationship between the amount of a stimulus required to produce a jnd and the amount of the standard stimulus.
What is Weber’s law.
An individual who is afraid of heights is first encouraged to climb a 4 ft. step ladder, then an 8 ft. ladder, followed by an extension ladder. Each step is introduced gradually and the individual’s safety is ensured. This is similar to _____________.
What is systematic desensitization?
Samantha has just purchased a new CD that she has not previous heard. The CD contains 13 songs and Samantha is trying to learn the names of songs. If we test Samantha’s memory for the names of the songs after she has seen them only once, what are we likely to find?
What is Samantha will show the best memory for the names of the first few and the last few songs on the CD.
This person theory stated that an intelligent person would require few prompts from another person and, therefore, would have a wide zone of proximal development.
What is Vygotsky's theory