Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Chapters 5-6
Chapters 7-8
Chapter 9
As the number of guns in the population increases, so does what else?. Chp 2.
What is violent crime rates?
Who generally choose targets close to their homes or in areas to which they routinely travel? Chp 4.
Who are robbers?
Many ADHD children also suffer from what disorder and continually engage in aggressive and anti-social behavior in early childhood? chp 5.
What is conduct order? P. 150
The interactions people have with various organizations, institutions, and processes of society is known as what? Chp 7
What is socialization? P. 231.
Who in his Philadelphia cohort research, identified a small group of chronic offenders who engaged in frequent and repeated criminal activity across their life spans?
Who is Marvin Wolfgang? P. 297
What term refers to the written code that defines crimes and their punishments.? chp 1.
What is criminal law?
The weight of recent research suggests that serious crime is more prevalent where?
What is socially disorganized lower class areas?
What type of theory focuses on the mental processes and how people perceive and mentally represent the world around them? Chp 5.
What is cognitive theory? P. 164
What occurs when parents have excellent parenting skills, are supportive and can effectively control their children in a noncoercive fashion resulting in a reduction in antisocial behavior?
What is Parental efficacy? P. 233
The foundation of developmental theory can be traced to who that researched the life cycle of delinquent careers in the 1930s?
Who are Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck? P. 296
The best known and most important source of official crime data is what? Chp 2.
What is the UCR?
Rational choice theory is rooted in the classical school of criminology developed by who? Chp 4.
Who is Cesare Beccaria? p. 102-103
According to Robert Agnew, what theory states that individuals who feel stress and strain are more likely to commit crimes? Chp 6.
What is general strain theory? P. 208
Who tries to explain crime within economic and social contexts and to express the connection between social class, crime, and social control? Chp 8.
Who are Critical criminologists? P. 266
According to problem behavior syndrome, crime is a type of what kind of problem rather than the product of other social problems?
What is social? p.299
Who stated that social forces operating in urban areas created a crime-promoting environment; some areas were "natural areas" for crime. Chp 1.
Who are Chicago School Sociologist?
Rational choice theory has roots in what school of criminology? Chp 4
What is classical school?
What occurs when the rules expressed in the criminal law clash with the demands of group conduct norms?
What is culture conflict? p. 213
Which theorist believed that society is divided into have and have-not groups and penal law penal law serves the will of the ruling class.: those who possess authority and those who lack authority? Chp 8.
Who is Willem Bonger? P. 269
Who stay out of trouble in adolescence, until late in their teenage years, and then become violent chronic persisters?
Who are late bloomers? P. 316
What is an academic discipline that uses scientific methods to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior? Chp 1.
What is criminology?
The concept behind rational choice theory is that crime is a function of what? Chp 4.
What is the decision-making process (cost/benefits)
Social disorganization theory was popularized by the work of what two Chicago sociologists?
Who are McKay and Shaw? p. 196
Scholars of critical criminology are more likely to examine what type of trends and patterns rather than perform surveys and analyze data? Chp 8
What are historical trends? P. 277
What is more typical of early-onset girls than early-onset boys? *3 answers
What is suicide, substance abuse, and relationship problems? p. 300