to push objects away from each other
6. Rules
Magnets never move wood and other nonmetals.
1. Rules
Magnets always repel when like poles are next to each other and attract when opposite poles are next to each other.
What is attract?
to pull objects toward one another
Moving fast is part of the sports we read about. Where does the K.E. people get during the sport come from?
It comes from a force that converts P.E to K.E.
2. Rules
Magnets always move other magnets.
What is convert?
to change from one type to another
What is the unit question?
Why do magnets move objects in different ways?
3. Rules
Magnets always attract or repel at a distance.
What is transfer?
to move from one object to another one or place to another
Which 4 extreme sports require a lot of potential energy?
sky diving, snowboarding, trampoline gymnastics, and powerbocking
4. Rules
Magnets sometimes move metals.
What is magnetic field?
the space around a magnet in which magnetic forces can act on objects
How does force relate to potential and kinetic energy?
A force transfers energy into the system, the energy is stored as P.E., a force converts P.E. to K.E.
Magnets sometimes attract and sometimes repel.