Controlling Idea
Text Structures

Informational texts are centered around______

Controlling idea


Which text structure is this controlling idea "The Greasers, a group of wild boys in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, are most accurately described by looking at their physical appearance, their economic backgrounds, and the way they are treated by society."



Read the following sentences and define the bolded word.

"It was eerie outside last night. I could hear wolves howling in the distance and their was a stench of fear in the air. I felt all alone.

Creepy or scary (something similar)


Controlling idea can also be referred to as_____

Thesis/main idea

Which text structure is this controlling idea "The Greasers and The Socs, two social groups in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, have many differences that drive the conflict of the novel, but there are also similarities that are not immediately obvious."

Compare and Contrast


Read the following sentences and define the bolded word. 

"My cat is obnoxious. It jumps all over the furniture and stays in my way. Yesterday it ate my lunch."

Annoying (or something similar)

True or false: The controlling has to be explicitly stated. 



Which text structure is this controlling idea "johnny, a young and vulnerable "Greaser" from S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, was beaten up by the rivals "Socs" before the novel begins. Although the reader is not told directly why Johnny was beaten, it is clear what the effects of this gang violence will be."

Cause and Effect


Read the following sentences and define the bolded word.

"I'm stunned. I've had this dog for 12 years and I can't imagine it being dead."

Shocked (or something similar)


The Controlling idea should be supported by....



Which text structure is this controlling idea " Social and economic class dives the "Greasers" and "Socs" in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. These same divides exist in real life, and in order to solve these problems we need to reduce the massive gap between the rich and the poor in America by increasing pay for the working and middle classes and raising taxes on the extremely wealthy."

Problem and Solution 


Read the following sentences and define the bolded word. 

"It is hard to hunt squirrels because of their size. You must be precise."

Accurate (or something similar)


Examples, experts opinions, facts, and statistics are all types of____

Supporting details


Which text structure is this controlling idea "In Chapter 1 of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Pony Boy is harassed by the rival "Socs". In this paragraph, the exact order of events leading to this conflict will be laid out."



No dictionary! Use the roots we have discussed this year to define the word Hydrologist

Someone who studies water