what are the cardinal directions
north, South, east, west
what's another name for New Stone Age
Neolithic age
what continent is Mesopotamia located on
what are lines of longitude. what is the most famous lines of longitude.
lines that go north to south. the Prime Meridian
How do the Old Stone Age people get food.
They were nomads, moving place to place because they ran out of food and needed to move.
what does polytheistic mean
Belief in many gods
How many continents are there. what are they
there are 7 continents. North America,South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Australia.
what is systematic agriculture. Describe how this great revolution changed their lives.
The organized growing of food on a regular basis, farming. Farming slowly replaced hunting and gathering.
true or false: Mesopotamia was nicknamed Rivers between two lands
What is a primary source.
Something made by that person. A first hand piece of evidence by the people who were there.
what is domestication.
domestication is when your tame or trane animals or plants for human use. it helped with farming.
How do you figure out how many years pasesd between 4000 BCE and 500 BCE?
4000 BCE and 500 BCE is subtract because there in the same era. 4000 BCE-500 BCE=3500
which one is NOT an example of specialization
Pottery maker
jewelry maker
metal working