what are lines of latitude
Imaginary lines that run east to west around the world and measure North to south of the equator
what continent is Mesopotamia on
what is a surplus
when you have more of something then you need
what continent is Egypt on
what does a compass rose show you
cardinal directions
what are intermediate directions
directions northeast,southeast,southwest and northwest
what are 5 Sumerian inventions
wheel and axle,bronze,sailboat,wooden plow and cuneiform.
what is a nomad
people who travel from place to place looking for food
what protected Egypt in the north
the delta
what is a map title
shows what map it is
name all the continents
North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Antarctica,Australia
what does polytheistic mean
belief in more than 1 god
what is domestication
to keep animals for human use
who was on the top of the social pyramid
Pharaoh and his family
what is a map scale
measuring lines that show you the distance between 2 places on a map
how many years are in a millennium
1000 years
what does monotheistic mean
belief in 1 god
what is a specialization
a job
what is a theocracy
a government where the leader is both the religious and political leader
what is a map key
explains the colors and lines used on a map
what operation do you use if two events are both in BC
what does GRAPES stand for
Geography,Religion,Achievements,Political,Economics,Social structure.
what is systematic agriculture
growing food on a regular basis
name 3 people from the middle of the social pyramid.
Artisan,farmer,and scribes
is a textbook a primary source