The directions North,South,East and west
Cardinal Directions
The most famous line of longitude
The equator
Silt was washed into the land of this area
The fertile Crescent
Another name for old stone Age
Paleolithic Age
Continent Egypt is located on
A unit of measure on a map used to tell the distance between two places
map scale
Northeast , Southeast , Southwest , Northwest
The intermediate Directions
The continent Mesopotamia is located on
When the Paleolithic people won't stop moving
Details about Egyptian belief in the afterlife
The book of the dead
The lines going North to South measuring East and west of the Prime Merdidian
Lines of longitude
List of symbols
Map key
Cunieform , the wheel , sailboat , wooden plow , and bronze
Sumerian Inventions
Another name for new stone Age
Neolithic Age
Invasions in the north
Nile delta
North America,South America,Europe,Asia,Africa,Australia,Antarctica
The seven Continents
To measure the length
Map scale
Belief of many gods
The organized growing of food on a regular basis
Systematic Agriculture
Invasions in the south
10 years,100 years,1,000 years
A decade,Century,Millennium
Discribes what type of map it is
Map title
Geography,religion,Achivements,politics,Economics,Social Structures
When you get more then you need of something
A surplus
Invasions in the east and west
Hot Sandy desserts