What are the cardinal directions?
Hunter-gatherers are called this:
What was the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers called?
The Fertile Crescent
What does monotheistic mean?
The belief in only one god
King Tut's real name was this
King Tutankhamen
How many years is a millennium?
1,000 years
When you have an extra amount of something, it is called this
What was the form of writing the Sumerians invented?
Why were the Israelites different from other ancient civilizations?
Because they were monotheistic
Egyptians made one of the first papers out of this plant
A map that shows towns, cities, and important landmarks is called a:
Political map
Paleolithic Age
Who created the first set of laws?
(Bonus points if you give an example of a law)
Hammurabi created the Code of Hammurabi
(An eye for an eye, hand for a hand, etc.)
The Israelites were captured and made slaves by this ancient civilization
The Ancient Egyptians
This is the god of the Nile River
What does G.R.A.P.E.S. stand for?
Geography, religion, achievements, politics, economy, social structure
Farming from the Neolithic Age is called this
Systematic Agriculture
What continent is Mesopotamia on?
Lines of longitude run from ______ to ______.
North to South
Training animals for human use is called:
(Bonus points if you say which animals they domesticated)
Domestication (cattle, sheep, livestock)
What were some Sumerian inventions?
The wooden plow, cuneiform, the sailboat, potter's wheel, and bronze