What are the cardinal directions?
What is surplus?
More than a resource is needed.
What continent is Mesopotamia located on?
What continent is Egypt located on?
What is a map scale?
a unit of measurement used to represent the distance between two points on a map.
What is systematic agriculture?
The organized growing of food on a regular schedule.
What is the area called between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
Fertile Cresent.
What is the achievement of Narmer (Menus)
He united Upper and Lower Egypt.
What are the 7 continents?
North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia
What is a nomad? How did they get food?
A nomad is a group of people that traveled together to hunt and gather food. They got food by hunting and gathering.
What is polytheism?
Belief in many gods.
Why did the ancient Egyptians study the stars.
When reading a timeline and computing the number of years between two events in the same time period you must what?
What is specialization? What are some examples of specialization?
When people got to do their special talent. Some examples of specialization is pottery making, jewelry maker,basket weaver, weapon maker, and a house maker.
Who wrote the first written law code?
Which geographical feature protected the Egyptians in the south?
What are the famous lines of longitude and latitude?
Prime meridian and equator.
What is domestication?
When humans used animals for their own use.
How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers help the people in Mesopotamia?
It gave the people in Mesopotamia silt and fertile land.
How were the Israelite's different from the Mesopotamian's?
The Israelite's were monotheistic while the Mesopotamian's were polytheistic.
What is theocracy?
A government in which the same person is both the political leader and the religious leader.