the directions north south east and west
cardinal directions
map title
what is the land between Tigris and Euphrates river
how did people in the old stone age get food
by hunting animals
what continent is Egypt on
the directions northeast southeast northwest and southwest
indermdiate directions
map key
a section of distance on a map
what continent is mesopotania located on
how did new stone age get food
picking plants, berries and demestocating animals and farming
what geographic feature or natural barrier protected Egypt from invasions in the north
east and west
nile delta
nile river
western and eastern deserts
the lines that run east to west around the Earth
lines of latitude
map scale
the ratio of distance on a map
name some sumerian inventions
wheel, writing, irrigation, cuneiform
what is a nomad
people who move place to place searching for food
describe details about the ancient Egypt belief in the afterlifr
if you told the truth your life you would live a good afterlife
what are the lines that run north to south
lines of longitude
compass rose
cardinal directions and sometimes interdimedent directions
what does polytheistic mean
the belief in more than one god
what is systematic agriculture
planting of crops for food
describe how the nile river affected life in ancient Egypt
gave them fertile soil, water source, religious segnifigants, and settlement patterns
what are the seven continents
how were Israelites different form mesopotania people
because the israelites had a belief in one god and mesopotania had a belief in one god
what is a surplus
more of a resource than needed
share the achievements of narmer also known as menes
he was the king who unified upper Egypt and lower Egypt he also created the first dinesty