Informational: craft and structure
Informational: key ideas & details
Literature: key ideas & details
Literature: craft and structure
Word Meaning & Vocabulary

Choose the sentence in the passage that tells how bats are different from birds.

(1)Some people may think that bats are birds because bats fly. (2)Bats have wings. (3)Birds also have wings. (4)Many birds eat insects. (5)Some kinds of bats eat insects, too. (6) Birds have feathers that cover their bodies, but bats have fur.


Based on the passage, what describes Abraham Lincoln's childhood? 

“Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Easy


c. Strict 

d. Happy


Who took care of Abraham after his mother passed away? 

“Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. His stepmother 

b. His sister

c. His dad

d. His brother


Which words complete the sentence correctly? 

Darling, please go to the pantry and grab a few __________ for me.

A) cans of beans
B) can of beans
C) cans of bean
D) can of bean


Select the word that would fit in both of the sentences provided. 

Instead of driving, we took the __________ to New York City. 

When you have a puppy, you have to __________ the puppy to listen

a. ask

b. boat 

c. train 

d. plane 


What are captions?

a. they tell you what the picture is about

b. they tell you what you are going to read about


What is the main idea of the passage? 

“Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. 

b. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president. 

c. Abraham Lincoln was a great president and person. 

Abraham Lincoln in on the penny. 


Kyle slipped on a banana peel, fell, and hurt his knee. 

What is the best way to rewrite this sentence without changing the meaning?

A) Kyle hurt his knee and then slipped on a banana peel.
B) Kyle fell, hurt his knee, and then slipped on a banana peel.
C) Kyle fell because he hurt his knee after slipping on a banana peel.
D) Kyle fell and hurt his knee after he slipped on a banana peel.


Which word is spelled incorrectly in this passage? 

Today was a wonderful day. In the morning, all the kids in our school went to help out in the community. One class went to help tidy up the town library, another class went to plant flowers in a public garden, and my class went to help serve lunch in a home for the elderly. When we got back to school, the principle spoke to us and said it's great that we can be a meaningful part of society from an early age.
After school, I went to my friend Jenna's place. She's our neighbor. Her big brother made pizzas for us and we ate them in a tent they put up in the living room. It was such a fun day.

a. community

b. principle

c. meaningful

d. elderly



The habitat has many different kinds of plants and animals. 

What is an example of something that we might find in a habitat? 

a. water

b. blanket 

c. umbrella 

d. monkey


What was the first thing we learned about Lincoln from the passage? 

“Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Lincoln died at age 56 

b. Lincoln was born in Kentucky 

c. Lincoln is on the penny 

d. Lincoln was the 16th president 


Where was Abraham Lincoln born?

“Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Indiana

b. Kentucky 

c. Illinois 

d. All of the choices are correct


Another word that means the same as "employed" is...? 

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world, a symbol of both Paris and France as a whole. It was originally built to serve as the entrance to the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, but it remains standing to this day. Despite the dangers in building such a tall and open structure, very few people were hurt thanks to the safety checks employed by its architect.

A) used
B) built
C) hired
D) watched


Which of the following answers shows a logical order of events?

A) Juanita went to the supermarket. She arranged the groceries in her fridge. She put the groceries in the car's trunk. She realized she forgot to buy milk.

B) Juanita put the groceries in the car's trunk. She went to the supermarket. She realized she forgot to buy milk. She arranged the groceries in her fridge.

C) Juanita went to the supermarket. She put the groceries in the car's trunk. She arranged the groceries in her fridge. She realized she forgot to buy milk.

D) Juanita realized she forgot to buy milk. She put the groceries in the car's trunk. She arranged the groceries in her fridge. She went to the supermarket.


In the produce section, Hannah added peppers and apples to her cart. 

What is another kind of produce? 

1. Blueberries 

2. Cookies

3. Ham 

4. Turkey


1.What is the last detail about Lincoln that we learn from the passage?

"Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Lincoln became president in 1861 

b. Lincoln was born in 1809 

c. Lincoln was the 16th president 

d. Lincoln died at age 56 


What does "self-taught" mean? 

"Honest Abe” 

Abraham Lincoln is not just the face on the penny. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and he was known as “Honest Abe." This nickname started when he was a young boy working in a store. If he gave someone the wrong change back, then he would follow them home and give them their left over money. “Honest Abe” is remembered as an honest boy and a great president. 

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in a one-room home in Kentucky, and then later moved to Indiana and later Illinois. He grew up very poor and after his mother passed away, his older sister took care of him. Abraham Lincoln did not have an easy time growing up, but he was very smart. Most of what he knew he learned on his own by reading books, he was self-taught.

Lincoln became president in 1861. Lincoln wanted to end the use of slavery in the United States, which upset many people. Because of this, some states did not want to be apart of the United States and tried to have their own laws and rules. A war started and lasted for 4 years. This became known as the Civil War. After it ended, all of the states of the United States stayed together, and President Lincoln said that all slaves needed to be set free. 

Abraham Lincoln’s life was too short. He died at age 56, but he will always be remembered. 

a. Learning at school

b. Going to school

c. Not learning 

d. Learning on your own


Why did Noah decide to go to bed?

"But I don't want to go to bed yet!" wailed Noah. "I want to stay up and play with my new game!" Noah was the youngest child in his family. He was already allowed to stay up later than his brother and sister did when they were his age. "If you don't go to bed, the tooth fairy won't be able to come visit you," said Noah's father. Once Noah heard that, he ran straight to bed. He checked under his pillow to make sure his tooth was still there.
Finally, Noah fell asleep. When he woke up, it was still dark outside. He saw a shadow on the wall and he felt someone reaching under his pillow. Noah shut his eyes very tightly so that the tooth fairy would still give him his present. He actually fell back to sleep before he even felt his present.
In the morning, Noah woke up very excited. He felt under his pillow, and there he found a new red toy race car! He hadn't seen the tooth fairy, but he could still smell her perfume. It smelled just like his mother's perfume.

A) He was afraid of the tooth fairy.
B) He wanted the tooth fairy to come.
C) It was past his bedtime.
D) He was very tired.


What was the solution to Lindsay and Gretchen's problem? 

Lindsay and Gretchen are twins. They wished they had a pet at home. They almost managed to convince their mother to buy them a pet for their birthday, but it was delayed because each of them wanted a different pet. Lindsay thought a dog was the best choice, while Gretchen thought a hamster was the best choice. Lindsay and Gretchen's mother told them they had to decide together. "Raising a pet involves a lot of responsibility. I want to make sure you are both mature enough." Lindsay and Gretchen went to the pet store after school. There, they decided together which pet to take. When they came back home with the new member of the family, their mother looked at it with surprise. Lindsay and Gretchen explained that this cute rabbit was looking at them with sad eyes, and they immediately knew it was the right pet.

A) They each got the pet they wanted all along.
B) One of them got the pet she wanted all along, and the other was disappointed.
C) The woman at the pet store helped them decide which pet to take.
D) They decided on a pet together.


Select the word that would fit in both of the sentences provided. 

While Ryan was camping, he saw a __________ flying around his tent at night. 

Before baseball practice, Max made sure he had his glove and his __________ in his bag. 

a. bird 

b. ball

c. bat

d. owl


Choose the sentence to complete the list of steps.

It is fun to grow a bean plant. You will need a large plastic cup, four lima beans, soil, water, and sunlight. Fill the cup about halfway with soil. Place the lima beans on top of the soil. Put more soil on top of the beans. Water the soil, and then place the cup near a window with lots of sunlight. Soon, you will see a plant begin to sprout!

1. Get everything you need.

2. Fill the cup halfway with soil.

3. ______________________________

4. Place more soil in the cup.

5. Water the soil.

6. Place the cup near a sunny window.

1. Add soil to the beans

2. Pour some water on the soil

3. Put the lima beans on the soil

4. Put the plant in a sunny window


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Earth has five oceans. They are part of one large ocean. Ocean water covers most of the planet. The oceans are very salty. The oceans are very important to life on Earth. Many plants and animals live in the oceans. The oceans also help make the weather on Earth. Water moves from the ocean to the sky. Later, the water falls as rain or snow. In this way, oceans provide Earth with the water that people, animals, and plants need to live.

1.Oceans are very salty.
2.There are five oceans on Earth.
3.Plants and animals live in oceans.
4.Oceans are important to life on Earth.


Which of the following details cannot be found in the passage? 

Jesse Owens was an American track and field athlete who won the Olympic gold medal four times. Owens specialized in the sprints and the long jump and was recognized in his lifetime as "perhaps the greatest and most famous athlete in track and field history." He set all five of his world records in less than an hour at one of the biggest sports events in 1935. This achievement has been called "the greatest 45 minutes ever in sport" and has never been equaled.

Jesse Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama, on September 12, 1913. He was the youngest of ten children, three girls and seven boys. Owens once said that the secret behind his success was: "I let my feet spend as little time on the ground as possible. From the air, fast down, and from the ground, fast up."

A) the University Jesse Owens attended
B) the number of siblings Jesse Owens had
C) the date in which Jesse Owens was born
D) the number of world records Jesse Owens set


What is the author’s mood?

Elsa was looking out the window. It was a very cold, dark, and stormy night. The windowsill was freezing as she tried to lean on it to see outside the window. She gave up trying and decided to go and play with her little sister. It had been a long time since they had last played. She thought it might make her feel a bit better.

A) Positive
B) Negative
C) Neutral
D) Impossible to tell


Select the answer that could be used to replace "purchase" in the sentence provided. 

I wanted to bake a cake, so I went to the store to purchase sugar, eggs, and flour. 

1. take 

2. buy

3. make

4. see