The utility company Michael has sued multiple times
Who is Con-Edison?
The current Apollo employee Midcap was set to hire before Kevin
Who is Anthony?
The bone Kevin broke while snowboarding
What is his wirst?
The name of Michaels notorious ex girlfriend
Who is Victoria?
The number of wins the softball team had its first season
What is zero?
The individual Michael tasked with dropping off his legal suit in the mail
Who is Kevin?
The country of origin Midcap originally was incorporated in
Where is Ireland?
The size polo Kevin typically wears
What is medium sized?
The name of the city Michael set his dating app location to while out of office
Where is Chicago?
The pro-burglar skill Michael learned at his desk
What is lock picking?
The crime that caused Kevin to be apprehended by the Vermont police
What is littering?
The name of the CLO that caused Michael to call every controller in Finance during Q3 close
What is Woodmont?
The fast food establishment Kevin loves the most
What is Wendys?
The side hustle of the woman Michael had a date with that also worked in the Salesforce building
What is a fitness influencer?
The big boy purchase Michael put his credit card down for only to freeze it and back out of
What is purchasing a car?
The notorious crime scene Michael walked to purposely after work hours just for fun
What is the United Healthcare murder?
The estimated time it took Midcap to automate their financial statements using macros
What is approximately 3 minutes?
The profession Kevin almost took up before accounting
What is a police officer?
The Sports Channel that Mike DM'd an anchor of during work hours
What is SNY?
The age of the co-host of Mike's Packer's Podcast
What is 13?
The temperature Mike set his apartment to, to avoid paying heat
What is 56 degrees?
The name of the Fund Michael refused to work on which ultimately led to his demise
What is ABC?
The name of Kevins wife
Who is Niamh?
The event that Michael asked relationship advice for from every person there
What is the clam bake?
The prominent role Michaels father held at a financial institution
What is CFO?