Medieval Composers
Sacred Music
Secular Music
Music History

This German abbess, mystic, and composer is known for her liturgical songs.

Who is Hildegard Von Bingen?


This form of sacred monophonic chant, named after a pope, became the official music of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is The Gregorian Chant?


These poet-musicians from southern France wrote and performed secular songs about chivalry and courtly love.

Who are the troubadours?


This person began their time in history conquering much of Western Europe and would later be crowned the Holy Roman Emperor by the church.

Who was Charles The Great?


This term refers to any music that was used for religious purposes or spiritual expression.

What is Secular?


French composer is credited with laying the foundation for Polyphony, creating the 2 voice organum.

Who is Leonin?


Sacred music in the Middle Ages was predominantly sung in this language, the official language of the Catholic Church.

What is Latin?


These German poet-musicians, similar to the troubadours of France, performed songs in praise of chivalry, love, and honor.

Who are the Minnesingers?


The decline of this empire in the 5th century marked the beginning of the Middle Ages and led to a period of cultural and economic decline in Europe.

What was the Roman Empire


One single melodic line meant to be sung by one person or by multiple people in unison.

What is monophony?


Léonin's successor, this composer was part of the Notre Dame School and is known for expanding polyphony to three and four voices.

 Who is Pérotin? 


This type of polyphonic sacred composition, popular in the later Middle Ages, often combined different texts sung simultaneously.

What is the motet?


These traveling musicians, often of lower social status, entertained courts and towns with secular music, storytelling, and acrobatics.

Who are the jongleurs?


This institution became the only dependable institution, gaining it influence that spread through society and played a huge role in the development of Western Music.

What was the Catholic Church?


This is the two ways in which one could hear music sung. One meant that each syllable was sung on a different note. The other meant that one syllable could be sung across many notes.

What is syllabic and melismatic?


This Composer is known for being the first identifiable composer as well as the first female composer?

Who was Hildegard Von Bingen


This early form of polyphony, developed at the Notre Dame School, involves adding a second voice to a plainchant melody.

What is Organum?


A popular style of secular music; poetry set to music and performed for the courts. Typically carried themes of courtly love.

What is the Chanson


Charles the Great had conquered much of Western Europe and established a NEW goal for his subjects.

What is Christian Unification?

When a melodic line is being accompanied by instruments for harmonic support.
What is Homophony?

This composer and poet, known for his secular music and motets. 

Who is Guillaume de Machaut?


This form of sacred music, sung in Latin, was a key part of the Catholic Church's liturgy and includes movements like the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.

What is a Mass?


This type of medieval secular dance music, often performed with instruments like the lute and vielle, was characterized by its lively rhythms and was commonly enjoyed at festivals and gatherings.

What is estampie?


The growth of this institution in the Middle Ages contributed significantly to the preservation and development of music, as it established schools and libraries to educate clergy and musicians.

Who was the church?

Many voices or melodies being sung at the same time.

What is Polyphony?


This was the original voice taken from the Gregorian chant and layered with melismatic melodies to create organum.

What is the Cantus Firmus?


Courtly Love, Politics and Satire, and Daily Life.

What are the 3 characteristics of secular music?


1. This type of mass was meant to be sung on certain days of the year such as East or Christmas.

2. This type of mass was sung on normal days of the year.

What is the Proper Mass?

What is the Ordinary Mass?