What is the order of the Feudal System?
Who is King, Lords, Knights, and Peasants?
Who were the Cluny Reformers
Who is St.Odilo of Cluny, St.Odo of Cluny, and Pope Saint Gregory VII?
What are symptoms of the Bubonic Plague?
What is fever, swelling of glands, and soon death?
What is the definition for Lay Investiture
What is Secular leaders selected the bishop in their lands (instead of the pope)?
When did the Western Empire Fall?
What is 410 AD?
During 1077 AD Henry IV removed Pope Gregory and later set up what?
What is a Puppet Pope "antipope"
Who wanted the papacy to be able to control the secular powers- Christendom fading?
Who is Pope Innocent III?
What is the definition for Simony?
What is Buying and selling of Church offices to a layperson to make money (often took orders from lords and kings to gain more power)?
Pepin grants the Pope rule of the Papal States in what year?
What is 756 AD?
What did Pope Gregory VII think of the church?
What is he thought that the church was above all human societies?
Who manipulated the Papal election?
Who is King Philip?
What is Papal Inquisition?
What is A church tribunal established in the thirteenth century that was first designed to curb the Albigensian heresy.
Who created the most powerful empire in 800 AD?
Who is Charlemagne?
This person ignored Pope Gregory and soon later got excommunicated from the church?
Who is Henry IV?
During his life what problems did Pope Boniface VII face?
What is opposed secular leaders who wanted to assert control over the Church and taxed clergy members?
What does the word Humanism mean?
What is the focus on rediscovery of literature and art from ancient Greece and Rome?