Achievements & Trade
Everything Else

What about the villages/cities that contributed to the horrible disease of the Black Death?

Unsanitary conditions: trash, animal carcasses and human waste were in streets/rivers (no trash pick-up!)


Name 3 achievements of Medieval Europe.

Wheelbarrow, printing press, windmill, architecture, spectacles,  compass, spinning wheel, etc.


Who had the most authority in the feudal system?

The King


What did the Byzantines and Western Europeans disagree on?

Who should have all the authority/power… Pope or the Kings?


How did the geography of Europe affect the growth of kingdoms and cultures?

Natural borders like mountains and rivers keep kingdoms isolated from one another, therefore different cultures developed


Why did most people live in villages/manors?

In the villages/manor they worked for nobles and therefore would be under the knights’ protection


Why were the viking ships so impressive?

Lighter and quicker than most ships in their early time, some could up to 100 men


What was the role of the peasants/serfs?

farmers & laborers on the manor; worked the nobles’ land


What were the wars fought against the Muslim Turks called?

The Holy Wars or The Crusades


Why is this portion of European history commonly referred to as the Dark Ages?

It was a dark time

(Black Death, no strong formal government, lack of new advancements culturally and scientifically, etc.)


What prevented a serf/peasant from moving up in the social structure pyramid?

They had to have permission to leave manor and they were uneducated


Name an advantage of the trading system.

Access to more goods, goods from further away could be traded for, some trade cities a short distance away


What were the things given/received between the nobles and the knights?

Protection and loyalty went to nobles, some land given to knights


How did Christianity spread?

The Crusades, Silk Road Trading


What were the different types of defenses the Byzantines used around their city of Constantinople?

Beacon warning system, peninsula location, moat, archers, tall brick walls, deep wall foundations, fireballs (Greek Fire), inner wall for troops to ride around perimeter


How did the Europeans attempt to combat/protect themselves from the Black Plague?

Masks, bloodletting, rose/herbs in mask


Name a disadvantage of the trading system.

Can be a long waiting time for goods from further away, some traders have better access to big trade cities (better location)


What did the nobles give to their king? What did they receive in return?

Gave: knights, loyalty, $$$

Received: land to govern


What was a positive effect of trade from the Crusades?

The Western Europeans, Byzantines, and Muslims came in contact = culture exchange (goods, building processes, etc.)


Why did the Viking age of raiding and trading eventually end?

Other groups armies/navies became stronger, improved their ships to compete with the vikings


Compare and contrast a female viking’s life to a female serf’s.

Viking: own land, divorce husband, active traders

Serf: cooking, children, household duties, maybe help in family business


Why was the Magna Carta an achievement of the late Middle Ages? (Why was it important?)

Nobles gained power from the king


What was the code of chivalry and who had to follow it?

Knights followed this, meant portraying honor, courage, loyalty, etc.


What was a negative effect from the Crusades?

In non-christian areas of Europe, Muslims and Jews were persecuted


What is a present day connection of the Magna Carta?

Magna Carta guaranteed rights and limited the king's power. Inspired USA colonists for state & government power, Constitution, & Bill of Rights