Odds and Ends
Bubonic Plague
He was known as Charles the Great
Who is Charlemagne.
This person encouraged thousands to leave their families behind and go off to fight in the Crusades.
Who is Pope Urban II
What is Feudalism?
Feudalism is a system of government where the lord promises to protect the peasants. In exchange the peasants farm the lord's land and give him part of the food they grow.
List the stages boys had to go through to become knights.
1) Page, 2) Squire 3) Knight
The bubonic plague is also called what?
What is the Black Death.
This King restored order by doing away with trial by ordeal and instated trial by jury.
Who is King Henry II
List the four reasons why knights would go off to fight in the crusades.
What are: A chance for glory and wealth, to fight for Christ, to fight against the Muslims from capturing Jerusalem. Pope Urban said that the Turks (Muslims) were torturing and robbing Christians.
What caused Feudalism to begin?
Vikings and germanic tribes were invading England and in order to protect themselves, the villagers came together to build castles and farmed the lord's land in exchange for his protection.
This was a tax book that took a census of all the king's land and people living in the land.
What is the Doomsday Book.
What caused the plague? (Be very specific)
Infected fleas on rats from Italy.
He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Who is the Pope.
What are some items that the English gained from their contact with the Muslims in the East?
Windmills, mules, donkeys, cotton, figs, plums, apricots, melons, dates, oils, spices, perfume, arabic numbers, decimals, geometry, algebra, medicine, military science, biology, astronomy.
What was an effect of feudalism?
People began to feel safe. They began to travel and trade.
What is a claimant?
Someone who claims to be the King.
What are the two types of plague and how does each kill its victim?
Pneumonic - Victim coughs out lungs. Septicemic - Victim bleeds out through skin.
The Qur'an (Koran) was written by this man.
Who is Mohammad.
In what year was the first crusade?
How did Feudalism lead to conditions which helped cause the Bubonic Plague?
Feudalism - people felt safe - people travel/trade - people build cities - live close together - poor hygiene - people stop growing food because they're living in cities (people starving)
Who were the three men fighting to become King of England and why did they need to fight?
Harold Godwinson, Harald Hadraada, William Duke of Normandy. They fought because when Edward the Confessor died, he had no children to take the throne.
What are two current day effects of the bubonic plague.
1) Nursery Rhyme "Ring around the rosy" 2) Bury people 6 ft under the ground to stop smelling the body.
This King of England was known for his religious beliefs often times leaving much of the day to day work to Godwin, Earl of Wessex.
Who is Edward the Confessor.
What is an indulgence?
A special pardon from the church guaranteeing your right to enter heaven.
Describe one of the ordeals you had to go through if you were convicted of a crime.
Ordeal by Fire: Held a hot iron bar. Would burn skin after 3 days if wound began to heal, if not you were guilty. Ordeal by water: You were tied up and thrown into the water. If you floated you were guilty. Ordeal by Combat: Fight your accuser. Whoever won was right.
How does William of Normandy (also known as William the Conqueror) become King of England?
Harold is killed by William and the Normans during the Battle of Hastings and William takes the crown.
What is the bubonic plague the first example of? Explain.
Germ warfare. They would put the infected bodies into catapults and shoot the bodies over the walls to infect the people living behind the castle walls.