Feudal System
Charles the Great
The Crusades
The plague
Feudal Harmony
This person owned all the land and granted it to nobles and vassals in return from protection with his armies
Who is the king?
Charles the Great was a leader of the Franks the most powerful Germanic Tribe in Western Europe, he was also called
Who was Charlemagne?
Europeans were divided in to separate kingdoms bu united under this idea, supported by the Church in Rome
What is Christendom?
These little beasties carried the plague in with their fleas
What are rats?
What degree of latitude does Harmony sit upon?
What is 44 degrees north?
These people worked the and and paid taxes but never owned it, they were called two different names in our text tell me one
What is serf or peasant
This country got its name from Charlemagne and the Franks...
What is France?
Who did Pope Urban start a war with?
What is the Seljuk Turks?
This disease cause what to appear on the body?
What are blisters?
Whos kingdoms are East of the Harmony School?
Who is...
Nobles lived in big houses called
What are manors?
Charlemagne conquered not just France but large parts of these other countries too?
What are Italy and Germany?
What city was Pope Urban trying to take over from the Turks?
What is Jerusalem ?
About what fraction of the population of Europe died from the Black Death?
What is one fourth?
What degree of Longitude does Harmony sit upon?
What is 60 degrees west?
Each family had one of these to represent it, these were displayed on shields, and in flags, so that you could identify members of a family or noble house or lord
What is coat of arms?
This man crowned Charlemagne as " Emperor of the Romans"
Who was Pope Leo III?
This is what the Pope said to people to get them to go to war against the Muslims...
What is " God Wills it God Wills it?"
The bubonic plague is also known as this because the blisters on their skin turned back just before a person died.
What is the black death?
Who holds lands to the North of Harmony School?
Who is....
In this system the king awarded land grants or " fiefs"to his most important nobles, barons,and bishops in return for their contribution of soldiers to the king's army, this system is called the...
What is the feudal system?
True or False, Charlemagne was concerned for his nobles education and set up tents in fields every may to teach them about law, government, religion and trade
What is True
These Christians who fought in these wars were called this because they wore a cross as their sign on their shields.
What are crusaders?
Because few farm workers survived the plague they realized their work was badly needed so what did they do?
What is demand fairer treatment form the nobles who controlled the lands, some times they even had revolts against the nobles?
What Kingdoms could have the best water trade routes?
What are Robinson, Kingdom Awesomeness and...?