True or False
Children's growth increases during this time?
Fine motor skills
This leads to a lower drop out rate for sports.
proper training
Nearly this many children play soccer in the United States.
3 Million
Being overweight leads to this.
Impaired brain functioning
Children gain these two things during this period of development.
Lung capacity and Muscle strength.
Between the ages of 8 and 10 these three things see improvement in children.
logic, planning and memory
This is the leading factor for children dropping out of sports.
Not having fun
Sports are linked to better _______ performance.
A decrease in this is a factor of weight gain in adolescents.
physical education
Children generally tend to lose this during this period of development.
What is one factor responsible for growth in the brain during this time?
True or False: Children who play multiple sports are more likely to get hurt.
Sports helps in the development of these two areas in children.
Physical and emotional
Omega 3 fatty acids promote this.
memory skills
In terms of gross motor skills; ________ out perform ________.
This is responsible for transferring information from short term to long term memory.
Fathers provide more support to these when it comes to sports.
Children who play sports have _______ relationships with their families.
Obesity causes an increase in this.
cognitive decline
In terms of gross motor skills; ________ out preform __________.
Girls; boys
Children during this stage are better able to _____.
Currently the District of Columbia and this state have minimums for the number of hours a student needs in PE.
Suburban communities have a _______ rate in participation in sports than rural areas.
Children who are overweight tend to be these four things.
rejected, ridiculed, teased and bullied