The ability to sort items by one or more characteristics they have in common.
Learning to tie ____ is just one self-help skill of many that young children learn
By the time children enter elementary school, their ____ are almost at full adult size
_____ is a person's own assessment or view of himself or herself.
The ability to understand that relationships between two objects can extend to a third object.
As Physical development continues, ____ and ____ graders experience the loss of baby teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth.
First and second
Children who improve in problem solving, planning, and decision making.
logical thinkers
A secret shared with a best friend helps children form _______.
Skills used to solve problems
Executive strategies
______ involves matching body movements to coordinate with what the child sees.
Visual motor coordination
Improving cognitive skills allows them to complete more complex tasks, such as _______ their clothes
In general, children want to please others, especially their ______ and other adults.
The ability to place objects in order by characteristic, such as smallest to largest.
Fine-Moter skills help them become more _____ with using handheld electronic games.
The use of______ plays another important role for children.
_____ most closely relates to socio-emotional development, although cognitive skills are a factor.
Moral Development.
At this stage, students like to discuss topics and are better able to work in groups.
10 to 12-year-olds
_____ is the skillful use of the hands and fingers
_____ skills are central to future school success so problems cannot be ignored.
The need to develop feelings of competence by learning and mastering new skills.
Industry versus inferiority.