Value of Land & Resources
Current Events
UN & Miscellaneous
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Israeli and Palestinian perspective

Which piece of middle east land provides higher elevation and thus a military advantage to the side who controls it

What is Golan Heights


What has the international community asked Iran to stop developing?

What is Nuclear Programs


What is the main purpose of the United Nations?

What is to maintain peace


What happened the day after Israel was declared an independent state?

What is six neighboring countries attacking Israel


Which group would say “We have faced discrimination and now want to return to our homeland”

Who are the Israelis

The Middle East is important to the global economy because of its abundance of what natural resource?

What is oil


The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 in response to what event?

What was the terrorist attacks on 9/11


What is the relationship between the supply and demand of oil throughout the world? (which is higher?)

What is the there being a high demand for oil than there is supply


What was the consequence for American assistance during the conflict in the Middle East?

What is OPEC placing an oil embargo on the US 


Which group would say “Our home divided in the UN partition, even though we never agreed to the plan”

Who are the Palestinians


Which piece of middle east land has access to the Jordan River and several holy sites?

What is the West Bank


Which group violently enforced strict interpretations of Islam in Afghanistan in the 1990s and returned to power in 2021

Who is the Taliban


What was the result of the UN Patrion plan

What is providing Jews with more land even though they were the minority group


What was the immediate result of the “Six Day War”?

What is Israel taking control of all contested land


Which group would likely say “We are willing to give up some land in order to bring a stop to the violence” 

Who are the Israelis


What is the major goal of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)?

What is to influence the price of oil and set production levels

The United States invaded Iraq in 2003 based on what assumption that was later found to be untrue

What Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction


What is one action the UN Security Council can take?

What is a) provide peace keeping troops, b)encourage members of the UN to stop trading with countries, c)provide aid to areas of conflict

What is the name for the uprising and organized riots in the occupied territory?

What is Intifada


Which group would likely say “We can attack during their special holiday as an element of surprise.”

Who are the Palestinians 


What are is one characteristic that makes OPEC a cartel

What is a) limiting supply of oil b) setting the price of oil or c) controls the main regions oil is found


In Iraq, after removing Saddam Hussein from power, the United States then faced an insurgency from which group also referred to as the Islamic State?

Who is ISIS


What are two ways oil consumption can be reduced?

What is a)use less plastic, b) less electricity, c) carpool, d) use alternative energy


Which group was left out of the Camp David Accords, making it unsuccessful in finding peace?

The Palestinians


Which group would refer to the 1948 War as the Nakba or the Catastrophe and why?

The Palestinians because they lost all land and became occupied by Israel or neighboring countries