Which dates indicate the period of Middle English?
1100 - 1500 CE
What is the concept's name, where allophones of <f> became separate phonemes /f/ and /v/?
Which of the 6 cases in OE, are left in ME?
Nominative, genitive
What is expressed through element order, prepositions and pronouns in ME?
relationship between words
Why was English used mostly as a spoken language during the ME period?
Replaced by Latin and French
Diphthongs overcome several changes in ME. Name them.
loss of OE diphthongs
creation of new diphthongs
Name 2 changes adjectives overcome in ME period.
adjectives became uninflected
weak and strong declensions of adjectives dissapeared
Define the term impersonal constructions
verbs without an overt subject, but with a topic expressed in the accusative or dative case
What was the reason for an increased role of English at the end of the ME period?
• the Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre
• the Reformation
• bourgeoisie's power rise
Why did voiced fricatives become more common in Middle English?
French loanwords
Loss of final vowels
What part of the speech gramaticalized?
demonstratives turned to articles
The word order in OE was more flexible, while ME saw a more fixed SVO structure. What was the reason?
English lost many of its inflectional endings, making word order essential for clarity