"O, William..."/Lit. Devices
That's Different
Qualities of a Knight
Such a Tale

The literary device seen in the title of this category

What is "apostrophe" - calling out to someone not present


A notable difference between Old English poetry and Middle English poetry

What is language (identifiable words), what is caesura, what is no rhyme scheme, etc. (Both use alliteration)


Sir Gawain

What was - He was brave - took challenge; he was strong - killed all those creatures on the way; he had integrity - kept his pledge in spite of knowing it would cost his life; etc.?


Quest of the knight in "Wife of Bath's Tale"

What is to find out what women most desire?


What was the Pardoner's motivation

What is greed/making money?


"Up rose the dawn, up rose Emily"

What is "anaphora" - repetition of initial words/phrases


What was the major influence on the change between Old/Middle English poetry

What was the French invasion/1066/Battle of Hastings/William the Conqueror?


Knight in "The Prologue"

What is - Humility - he didn't brag about his exploits, Bravery - fought in many battles, Nobility - good manners, etc.?


Quest of the three men in "The Pardoner's Tale"

What is to find death?


The Knight's (from "the Prologue") motivation for going to Canterbury

What is "to render thanks"?


"Until the sallow Saturn, calm and cold..."

What is "alliteration" - repetition of initial consonant sounds


"For you have what's due to you and so your yearning         may cease. 

Their laughs and voices grow, 

Their carefree joys increase, ... "


What is bob and wheel, and what is enjambment?


Palamon and Arcita

What is - Brave - don't back away from challenge; Fair play - equally armed/help ready for battle; Fighting for "love" - Emily, etc.?


Purpose of the Green Knight's challenge

What is to see if the knights in Arthur's court met expectations and to test Gawain's integrity?


Parson's motivation 

What is to tend his "flock", live the gospel before he taught it, etc.?


"Sitting around on these benches are but beardless children..."

What is "metaphor" - making comparison without using like/as (calling the knights cowards!)


Initial irony about Palamon and Arcita's love for Emily and their bitter battle?

What is she didn't know they existed?


Knight in Wife of Bath's Tale

What is - nothing initially/poor example, BUT he does go on a quest (finding out what women want most) and eventually achieves humility (marries hag and learns contentment) - More of what a knight ISN'T story though.  (Consider the story teller!)

Structure of The Canterbury Tales

What is a frame story? (allows author to utilize multiple perspectives)


What is satire and one example from "The Prologue"

What is humor used to point out a problem in society, ex. The Monk - more concerned about hunting than living as a monk, The Nun - more concerned about imitating manners of the rich, the Friar - ignoring the poor/catering to the rich and relationships with young girls, etc.?


"Blood burst from the body bright on the greenness"

What is alliteration or what is imagery 


How were both Palamon and Arcita's supplication's fulfilled?

What was Arcita won the battle (got Emily) but then freakishly died (Saturn caused it) and Palamon got Emily as his wife?


Five points of the pentangle on Gawain's shield

What are the five "fives" - his faultless five senses, his five fingers that never fail, the five wounds of Christ, five joys of Mary, and five knightly qualities (generosity, fellowship, chastity, courtesy, piety)?


Chaucer known as...

What is the "father of English poetry"?


Chaucer's view of religion in his time.

What is he saw the corruption (Monk, Friar, Pardoner, Summoner, etc.) but knew that true Christianity was portrayed by the Parson as a "shepherd for his sheep."