Key Terms
Sermon on the Mount
Jesus taught the people using _____________. Only those with understanding hearts, hearing ears, and seeing eyes would understand the message.
What are parables
Where Jesus healed the demon-possessed man who lived among the tombs
What is Gadara
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will _________________________.
What is "be comforted"
Jesus and his disciples got caught in a storm on what sea?
What is The Sea of Galilee
Why did Jesus send out the twelve? (2 reasons)
What is -the labourers were few, to preach to the lost sheep of Israel, to perform miracles, to do in wider circles what Jesus himself had been doing, to summon the people to true repentance, to spread the message that God is King and he will establish his kingship through the Messiah
The people were in awe of Jesus' teaching, because he did not teach like the Jewish leaders. Instead he taught with _________.
What is authority
Another name for the devil, Satan, or "the prince of demons"
What is Beelzebul
Blessed are ____________________, for they will inherit the earth.
What is "the meek"
How does Jesus demonstrate perfect control of the "Storm at Sea"
What is He rebukes the winds and sea and they immediately obey him. (OR He was sleeping in the boat because he had no reason to fear - he is in control of creation).
How is the woman with the flow of blood for twelve years healed?
What is by her faith. She reaches out and touches the edge of Jesus cloak and immediately she is healed.
Social and spiritual outcast, a symbol of sin
What is a Leper
These cities would be better off on Judgement Day than the cities that heard the Gospel message but rejected it.
What is Sodom and Gomorrah
Describe the road to take to life.
What is narrow (and difficult)
When Jesus heals the paralytic that is lowered through the roof, he also teaches the people about the __________________.
What is "the forgiveness of sins"
By using parables Jesus created a division between what two groups/types of people?
What is those who took his words to heart and the meaning was revealed to them, and those who did not take his words to heart so the meaning was concealed.
Places of public assembly, where hearings and public discipline often took place.
What is Synagogue
The man whose daughter was not dead but asleep
Who is Jairus
What is the sum of the Law and the Prophets we are to ask, seek, and knock for? (hint: The Golden Rule)
What is "Do to others what you would have them do to you"
After Jesus performs certain miracles, he tells the people NOT to go out and tell others about Him. Why?
What is - Possible answers: He wanted people to believe because of what they heard, not because of the miracles. There was a growing opposition among the religious leaders against Jesus, but Jesus ministry was not done yet (he didn't want a crisis before his ministry was complete).
The Greek word parable means:
What is "a placing beside"