If you are tardy do you have to serve detention?
Who is the counselor at the middle school?
Mr. Tiaso
Your friend always tries to start arguments with you, you don't want to engage, but you want to "end it"
What do you do in this situation?
Walk away
Ask them to leave you alone for a little while
Stop being friends with them
Ask them to please stop
If you want to go somewhere in middle school what do you need to be able to do so?
This includes the bathroom, the office, and any other room in the building...
Ask your teacher and get a PASS
What is the most important rule in Middle School?
Treat people right
When you start to feel super frustrated where would you go?
The counselors office WITH A PASS from your teacher.
Your friend leaves a 3 year relationship for a one month relationship what do you do?
USE YOUR KIND WORDS and feeling statements
What is the Middle School Principals name?
Mr. Hartley
If you skip school what happens?
You get a detention, you have to have a meeting with your school counselor and principal
After frequent skips you will receive an In school suspension.
Does your counseling office have a therapy dog?
Yes, her name is Delta
If your friend has a boyfriend and she ignores you how should you respond?
What time does Middle school start?
You can be at Middle at 7:20 bell rings at 7:40am.
You come to school with shorts and a tank top on... is that appropriate for Middle school?
No, your shorts have to be fingertips long, the tank top has to be three fingers wide.
When you are stuck on a question and you get angry what can you do?
Ask a counselor or teacher for help
Take a break in counselors office with permission
Use a coping skill- get a drink, write down feelings, mindfulness
IF a friend leaves you for another group of friends how should you respond?
You could think about trust within friendships,
If someone is being annoying or rude to you
Should you walk away or annoy them back?
Walk away, because you want to stay out of trouble and not say anything that would increase behaviors.
If your in a classroom and you have work but you are not doing what your suppose to be doing and a teacher takes your work how should you respond?
Say okay, put your head down quietly, you could sit quietly and think about what you did.
Can you go to the counselors office with any emotion?
Yes, because the counselor is their to support you and help you find solutions.
IF your friend wants to be with you on a certain day, and you have other plans and your friend gets mad is that a strong friendship?
NO, because positive friends respect boundaries
How long is each class period? And how many class periods do you have a day
45 minutes- 7 plus lunch