Ag Commodities
FFA Emblem
Ag Careers
FFA History
Ag Pathways

Wisconsin ranks ____ in snap beans for processing, cheese, cranberries, ginseng, mink pelts, dry whey for humans, milk goats, and corn for silage.

What is first?

This symbol stands for wisdom and knowledge.

What is the owl?


This career in the Power, Structural, and Technical Systems pathway includes safely picking up, transporting and delivering feed, ingredients, equipment, or livestock to processing facilities using tractor-trailer, long-combination vehicles and straight-body trucks over long distances.

What is a truck driver?


FFA was founded in this year in Kansas City, Missouri.

When is 1928?


This pathway involves careers such as being a veterinarian or cattle breeder.

What is animal systems?

Wisconsin cheesemakers produce this many varieties of cheese.

What is 600?


This symbol stands for labor and work ethic.

What is the plow?


This career in the Food Products and Processing Systems Pathway develops scientific studies and research hypotheses for the investigation of foods and their processing.

What is a food scientist?


In 1929, these two colors were adopted as the official FFA colors.

What are National Blue and Corn Gold?


This pathway covers careers in everything from being a hydroponics producer to a crop farmer to an agronomist.

What is plant systems?


Wisconsin produces 60% of the nation's supply and 50% of the worlds supply of this agricultural commodity.

What are cranberries?


This symbol represents a new day in agriculture.

What is the rising sun?

An career in the Natural Resource Systems pathway as an arborist involves key responsibilities of planting, growing, maintaining, and removing this type of plant.

What are trees?


In 1930, the Official FFA Creed written by this individual was adopted.

Who is E.M. Tiffany?


This pathway connects the business world and agriculture with a variety of diverse careers.

What is agribusiness systems?


This Wisconsin grown root crop takes roughly 5 years to grow from start to finish and can never be planted on the same land twice.

What is ginseng?


The ear of corn represents ________.

What is unity?


Individuals with this career work with various animals to ready them for riders, races, shows, and other specific tasks, sometimes including behavior issues.

What is a horse/animal trainer?


In 1988, the Future Farmers of America changed their name to this to reflect the growing diversity of its members and the agriculture industry.

What is the National FFA Organization?


This pathway develops, maintains, and manages earth's natural environments.

What is natural resource systems?


Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss are examples of this type of animal which make up the largest segment of Wisconsin agriculture and brings in $45.6 billion to Wisconsin's economy.

What are dairy cattle?
_________ is represented by the eagle and the shield found at the top of the emblem.

What is freedom?


An apiary worker, often called this common term, provides pollination services while managing colonies for the production of honey.

What is a beekeeper?


This piece of legislation, enacted in 1917, created agricultural education in America's classrooms across the nation.

What is the Smith-Hughes Act?


This pathway enhances plants, animals, and microorganisms to help solve global issues using scientific research.

What is biotechnology systems?