A rebirth of Classical Greek and Roman ideas in art, focusing on how art, nature, and science are all connected.
The Renaissance
This movement originated in America in the late 1950s and sought to connect the traditions of fine art with pop culture.
Pop Art
The Starry Night, 1889.
Vincent Van Gogh
Created self-portraits that explored her cultural identity.
Frida Kahlo
Mona Lisa, 1503.
Leonardo da Vinci
Movement focused on depicting light, time of day, and change. Characterized by looser brushstrokes and lighter colors.
Art created today!
Contemporary Art
Terrified of grasshoppers and walking barefoot.
Salvador Dali
Created large-scale paintings of flowers and the American South West.
Georgia O'Keeffe
Water Lilies, 1906.
Claude Monet
Movement originated in Paris. Known for being light, whimsical, and decadent. This style featured highly decorative and ornamental elements within paintings and architecture. Lost of forbidden love.
Much of the art created during this time period was not meant to be viewed by mortals. This art was mainly designed to benefit a divine or deceased recipient.
Ancient Egyptian Art
One of the founders of Cubism
Pablo Picasso or Georges Braque
Known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Campbell's Soup Cans, 1962.
Andy Warhol
This movement was known for being extravagant and grand. Paintings during this time often featured intense, dramatic lighting.
Characterized by breaking objects and figures down into distinct areas or planes. Viewed as a revolutionary new approach to representing reality.
This artist gradually lost their sight. As a result, paintings created later in their life had brighter colors and more textural paint.
Claude Monet
Painter known for using a dramatic lighting technique called "chiaroscuro." He was also known for his fiery temper and was forced to leave Rome after an argument turned into a swordfight.
The Swing, 1767.
Jean-Honoré Fragonard
The word for this movement is French for "the wild beasts."
What is Fauvism
Characterized by gestural brush-strokes or mark-making, and the impression of spontaneity.
Abstract Expressionism
A major figure in the Abstract Expressionist movement.
Jackson Pollock
This artist often had many projects going at once. He only created a few finished works in his lifetime, but he has many unfinished pieces.
Leonardo DaVinci
Oath of the Horatii, 1784.
Jacques-Louis David