What is the Clef whose spaces on the staff spell FACE?
The spaces on the Treble Clef spells FACE.
In a 4/4 time signature, a Whole Note receives four full beats.
What Major Key Signature has no sharps or flats?
The key of C Major has no accidentals.
What instrument did Mozart play?
What differentiates a Musical from a Play?
Musicals typically have more singing than talking, whereas plays have more dialogue.
The Bass Clef encircles what line on the staff?
(Hint: This Clef is often referred to as the ____ Clef)
The Bass Clef encircles the F line on the staff, and is often referred to as the "F Clef"
In a 3/4 time signature, what note equals 1 full beat?
In a 3/4 time signature, a quarter note equals 1 full beat.
What does Mr. Aria want to be when he grows up?
A Music teacher!
What famous composer was deaf and was considered to have a horrible temper?
Name 3 musicals.
Answers may vary:
Les Mis, Wicked, Hamilton, etc...
Name the usual Clef for each of these instruments:
Flute - Treble Clef
Tuba - Bass Clef
One Eighth Note is equal to what fraction of a Quarter Note in a 4/4 time signature?
One Eighth Note is equivalent to HALF of a Quarter Note, giving the Eighth Note only HALF of a beat in a 4/4 time signature.
How many notes are in a scale?
Which rap singers are currently arguing through their music?
Kendrick Lamar and Drake.
What is it called when you put all written band music in order of highest pitch to lowest pitch?
Score Order
What is the difference between the top and the bottom number in a time signature?
The top number represents how many beats are in a measure.
The bottom number represents which note gets the beat.
In a 6/8 time signature, how many beats does 4 Eighth Notes equal?
In a 6/8 time signature, 4 Eighth Notes equal 4 beats.
What are the Solfege names for all of the notes in a Major Scale? (Hint: it starts with Do)
The Solfege names for all of the notes in a Major Scale are: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do.
Which instrument was our most recent purchase?
bass clarinet
What is the difference between Musicals and Operas?(Must give two differences)
The difference between Musicals and Operas is that Operas typically have older genres of music (classical, romantic, etc.), and operas also have little to no dialogue and is sung all the way through, whereas musicals have speaking.
What is one instrument that Mr. Aria plays?
(answers may vary.... ask Mr. Aria if this is true!)
What high school does Mr. Aria go to?
What is the total value of this equation?
Syn-co-pa + whole note + dotted half note +
tika-tika + ta
What song did we (the Treble Makers) try to play at the beginning of the year, that we ended up not playing?
The Siege, Appollo Fanfare
Did you have fun in band this year?
Yes. This is the only possible answer. If you answered no, you are incorrect:)