*sung* "tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun."
This word references your friends, community, and people
what is "peeps"
What word is used to describe a group of Crows?
What is "a murder"
What planet is closest to Earth?
what is "Mercury"
What is Ms. Virginia's favorite color
just a small town girl....
*sung* "living in a lonely world, she took a midnight train going anywhere"
Elaborate on common t9 texting phrases including "TTYL" "ROFL" "BRB"
Bonus Point: What is "t9"
what is "talk to you later"
what is "rolling on the floor laughing"
what is "be right back"
T9 is a predictive text technology for mobile phones (specifically those that contain a 3×4 numeric keypad), originally developed by Tegic Communications, now part of Nuance Communications. T9 stands for Text on 9 keys.
This sea creature has 3 hearts
What is "an Octopus"
Where does the Netflix show, "Stranger Things" take place?
what is, "Hawkins Indiana"
Ms Virginia's Favorite Basketball Team
What is "the Indiana Pacers"
I guess you didn't mean what you wrote...
sung "in that song about me, you said forever now i drive alone past your street."
what is "that's hot"
Name the 2 types of aniamls that fall under the category "arachnid" ?
What are Spiders and Scorpions
In what year, was the game "fortnite" released?
what is "2017"
Ms Virginia's favorite Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki movie?
What is "Princess Monoke"
His palms are sweaty...
*sung* "knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti"
An intensifier, with a grammatical function and usage similar to "very" or "really"
The Butterfly tastes with what part of their body?
What animal never sleeps?
What is "their feet"
What is "the bullfrog"
What part of the human body is home to 1/4 of your total bones?
what are "feet"
What is "slow walkers in front of me" or "people trying to clap on beat in an audience"
hello darkness my old
*sung* friend, I've come to talk to you again.
Translate this l337 speak sentence:
1 4/\/\ 7|-|3 |<33/o3|2 ()|" 7|-|3 \_//\/1\/3|253
(I am the keeper of the universe)
This animal's eye is bigger than it's brain
What is "an ostrich?"
Who is Dolly Parton's goddaughter?
Who is, "Miley Cyrus"
who is Ms. Virginia's favorite pop star
who is "Carly Rae Jeppsen"