What are microorganisms that cause communicable diseases?
What are pathogens?
What risk factor do we have the MOST control over for prevention of non-infectious diseases?
What is a lifestyle?
Why would someone try a good fad or trend?
What is to stay healthy, prevent disease, treat disease, etc...)?
What type of diabetes is preventable?
What is type 2 diabetes?
What are leukocytes?
What are white blood cells?
This vector-borne disease is spread by ticks and can lead to symptoms like fever, headache, and a characteristic rash.
Name 3 non-infectious diseases.
What is type diabetes, cancer, heart disease, epilepsy, respiratory diseases, etc...?
Name 3 different fads or trends to help non-infectious diseases.
What is cryotherapy, baking soda, marijuana, cbd oil, air purifiers, baby aspiring, keto diet, etc...)?
What are three risk factors for getting heart disease?
What is obesity, smoking, inactivity, etc...)?
What is a pathogen?
What are two types of fungal infections?
What is athletes foot, ring worm, yeast infection, etc...)?
What is a mass of abnormal cells?
What is a tumor?
What natural oil is found to give some people with arthritis pain relief?
What is CBD oil?
What type of exercise intensity is best for boosting the immune system?
What is moderate intensity?
How long can alcohol suppress the immune system for in heavy drinkers?
What is 24 hours?
What infectious disease has the following symptoms: cough, fatigue, fever, runny nose and sore throat?
What is the flu?
What was the original purpose of weight loss injections?
What is diabetes treatment?
What treatment uses -200 degrees to cool the body down to help with arthritis and inflammation of the joints?
What is cryotherapy?
This is a good bacteria found is some foods and vitamins to help keep our body healthy?
What is probiotics?
What are the two main function of phagocytes?
What is kill microorganisms and find antigens?
What is the full scientific name for the kissing disease?
What is mononucleosis?
What are 4 ways to treat cancer?
What is radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and immune therapy?
Name one proven prevention and one fad for preventing infectious diseases?
What is vaccine, antibiotics, etc... (proven) and vitamin c, d, zinc, probiotics, etc...(one fad)?
What is the acronym for the signs for someone having a stroke (include letters and what each one means)?
What is FAST (face, arms, speech, time)?
What is produce antibodies?